A Resolution approving the University of Miami Campus Art Master Plan report in accordance with the requirements of the Art in Public Places Ordinance, Zoning Code Article 3, Division 21.
On December 11, 2007, the City Commission enacted through Ordinance 2007-37, an Art in Public Places Ordinance, amended most recently on February 25, 2014, and codified in the City Zoning Code as Article 3, Division 21.
As specified within Section 3-2103, an exemption is made for an accredited college and/or university that maintains at its campus a publicly accessible permanent collection of art of at least thirty (30) sculptures and/or other public art in accordance with a Campus Art Master Plan.
On May 13, 2008; December 14, 2010; and December 10, 2013; the City Commission passed Resolutions 2008-64, 2010-263, and 2013-298 respectively, finding the University of Miami Campus Art Master Plan sufficient in meeting the requirements of the Art in Public Places Ordinance.
Section 3-2103 specifies that a report demonstrating changes to the collection of public art on the campus during the previous three years shall be made to the City Commission.
On November 01, 2016, the University of Miami presented the Campus Art Master Plan report to the Cultural Development Board, who reviewed it and made a motion on December 05, 2016, where it was unanimously recommended for approval to the City Commission.