File #:
On agenda:
Final action:
Enactment date:
Enactment #:
A Resolution of the City Commission approving the Final Plat entitled “Alta Strategic Gables” pursuant to Zoning Code Article 14, Section 14-210, “Platting/Subdivision,” being a re-plat of 61,548 square feet (1.41 acres) into two (2) tracts of land on the property legally described as lots 1 through 11, inclusive, less the south 7.5 feet thereof, and lots 32 through 42, inclusive, less the south 7.5 feet thereof, Block 3, “Coral Gables Industrial Section,” together with that portion of the 30 foot platted alley lying north of the north line of the south 7.5 feet of said lot 11 projected westerly and south of the north line of said block 3 (250 Bird Road) Coral Gables, Florida; including required conditions; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, and providing for an effective date. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE)
Lobbyist: Mario Garcia-Serra
1. Verbatim Transcripts, 2. 11 09 22 CC Cover Memo - Alta 250 Bird - Final Plat, 3. 11 09 22 Ex. A - Alta Final Plat Draft Resolution, 4. 11 09 22 Ex. B - Alta Strategic Gables Final Plat, 5. 11 09 22 Ex. C - 08 12 2020 Merrick 250 Staff Report, 6. 11 09 22 Ex. D - Excerpts of 08 12 2020 PZB Meeting Minutes, 7. 09 08 20 CC Cover Memo - Merrick 250 1st Reading, 8. 09 08 20 Exhibit A - Draft Ordinance TDRs - Merrick 250, 9. 09 08 20 Exhibit B - Draft Ordinance PAD -Merrick 250, 10. 09 08 20 Exhibit C - Draft Resolution Conditional Use -Merrick 250, 11. 09 08 20 Exhibit D - Draft Resolution Tentative Plat - Merrick 250, 12. R-2022-287 -Signed, 13. 09 08 20 Exhibit E.1 - 08 12 2020 PZB Staff Report - Merrick 250, 14. 09 08 20 Exhibit E.2 Applicant's submittal package, 15. 09 08 20 Exhibit F - 08 12 2020 Minutes Zoom Meeting, 16. 09 08 20 Exhibit G - Powerpoint - Merrick 250 09 08 2020, 17. 08 12 2020 PZB Staff Report - 250 Merrick, 18. 08 12 2020 Attachment A Applicant's submittal package, 19. 08 12 2020 Attachment B Memo regarding concurrency, 20. 08 12 2020 Attachment C Memo from Public Works, 21. 08 12 2020 Attachment D CAO 2019-029 Story Limitation When Developing Under PAD Ordinance, 22. 08 12 2020 Attachment E Neighborhood Meeting summary, 23. 08 12 2020 Attachment F Mailed Notice and Legal Ad, 24. 08 12 2020 Attachment G Powerpoint Presentation, 25. Verbatim Transcript - CCMtg Sept 8 2020 - Agenda Items E-1, E-2, E-4 and E-5 are related - Merrick 250
A Resolution of the City Commission approving the Final Plat entitled “Alta Strategic Gables” pursuant to Zoning Code Article 14, Section 14-210, “Platting/Subdivision,” being a re-plat of 61,548 square feet (1.41 acres) into two (2) tracts of land on the property legally described as lots 1 through 11, inclusive, less the south 7.5 feet thereof, and lots 32 through 42, inclusive, less the south 7.5 feet thereof, Block 3, “Coral Gables Industrial Section,” together with that portion of the 30 foot platted alley lying north of the north line of the south 7.5 feet of said lot 11 projected westerly and south of the north line of said block 3 (250 Bird Road) Coral Gables, Florida; including required conditions; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, and providing for an effective date. (LEGAL DESCRIPTION ON FILE)
Lobbyist: Mario Garcia-Serra