City of Coral Gables

Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/9/2016 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Commission Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
16-4889 1Non Agenda Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of a Proclamation declaring February 2011 as Black History Month in Coral Gables.Presented and Filed  Action details Not available
16-4747 1A.-1.2015 Firefighter of the Year AwardPresentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Lt. Christian Garcia, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Firefighter of the Year Award,” for 2015.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-4755 1A.-2. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of 25-year service pin to April White, Police Department /Communications Division.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-4753 1A.-3. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of 25-year service pin to Faustino Matos, Public Works Department /Sanitation Division.Deferred  Action details Not available
16-4746 1A.-4. ResolutionCongratulations to Officer Paul Peduto, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Officer of the Month Award,” for the month of December, 2015.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-4764 1A.-5.February 2016 Fiirefighter of the Month AwardPresentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Firefighter Jader Tobon, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Firefighter of the Month Award,” for the month of February, 2016.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-4758 1A.-6. Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Carlos Perez who holds the title Fire Equipment Mechanic for the Public Works Department / Automotive Division , recipient of the "Employee of the Month Award," for the month of February, 2016.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-4776 1B.-1. MinutesSpecial City Commission Meeting of December 8, 2015.approvedPass Action details Video Video
16-4757 1C.-1. ResolutionA Resolution authorizing Coral Gables Museum to sell alcoholic beverages from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., at the Coral Gables Museum Plaza, located at 285 Aragon Avenue on Thursday, February 18, 2016, during the "ARTOPIA" event, subject to Florida Department of Professional Regulation requirements.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-4765 1C.-2.Landscape ArchitectsResolutionA Resolution accepting the recommendation of the Chief Procurement Officer to extend the Landscape Architect Consulting Services continuing contracts with Curtis and Rogers Design Studio, Inc., and Geomantic Designs, Inc. pursuant to Section 2-829 of the Procurement Code, entitled “Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications,” until July 8, 2016, with extensions at three (3) months intervals as needed thereafter, until an updated scope of services is provided to Procurement, a new RFQ process is completed, and new contracts are executed.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-4749 1C.-3.Traffic ConsultantsResolutionA Resolution accepting the recommendation of the Chief Procurement Officer to extend the Traffic Engineering Consulting Services continuing contracts with David Plummer and Associates, Inc., Atkins North America, Inc., and Stantec Engineering, Inc. pursuant to Section 2-829 of the Procurement Code entitled “Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications,” until June 17, 2016, with extensions at three (3) months intervals, as needed thereafter, until an updated scope of services is provided to Procurement, a new RFQ process is completed, and new contracts are executed.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-4781 1C.-4.Merrick House Grant AwardResolutionA Resolution authorizing the acceptance and execution of the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources Grant Award for the restoration and rehabilitation of the Coral Gables Merrick House; and authorizing an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Annual Budget to recognize the $350,000 grant as revenue, and to appropriate such funds to put toward the cost of the project.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-4770 1C.-5. ResolutionA Resolution of the City of Coral Gables, Florida amending and supplementing Resolution No. 2014-233 and Resolution No. 2015-226, to amend the series designation of the bonds; providing certain other matters in connection with the making of such loans. (This Resolution changes the title of the bonds from “Series 2015” to “Series 2016,” for the Streetscape Project Revenue Bonds)adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-4771 1C.-6. ResolutionA Resolution of the City of Coral Gables, Florida amending and supplementing Resolution No. 2015-226, to amend the series designation of the bonds; providing certain other matters in connection with the making of such loans. (This Resolution changes the title of the loan from “Series 2015” to “Series 2016,” for the Streetscape Project Taxable Loan)adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-4766 1C.-7.Jean Ward budget amendResolutionA Resolution authorizing a transfer of $57,500 from the Art Acquisition Fund as additional funding for the Jean Ward Sculptures renovation project; and authorizing an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Annual Budget, to recognize the transfer as revenue and to appropriate such funds to put toward the cost of the project. (Funding from mandatory developers’ contributions).adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-4793 1C.-8. ResolutionA Resolution appointing F. Xavier Durana (Nominated by Commissioner Lago) to serve as a member of the Emergency Management Division, for the remainder of a two (2) year term, which began on June 1, 2015 and continues through May 31, 2017.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-4737 11.-1. MinutesCommunications Committee Meeting Minutes of January 21, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-4774 11.-2. MinutesConstruction Regulation Board Meeting of December 14, 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-4775 11.-3. MinutesConstruction Regulation Board Meeting of January 11, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-4780 11.-4.Disability Affairs Board 1-6-16 minutesMinutesCoral Gables Advisory Board on Disability Affairs meeting minutes of January 6, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-4710 11.-5. MinutesEconomic Development Board Meeting of January 6, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-4751 11.-6. MinutesSchool Community Relations Committee Meeting of January 15, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-4778 11.-7.SAB MEETING - 12-16-15MinutesSustainability Advisory Board meeting of December 16, 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-4777 11.-8.TAB MEETING 12-15-15MinutesTransportation Advisory Board Meeting of December 15, 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-4772 11.-9. MinutesTree Protection Committee Meeting of December 15, 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-4773 11.-10. MinutesTree Protection Committee Meeting of January 13, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-4788 1E.-1. OrdinanceAn Emergency Ordinance of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, amending Chapter 34, Article 1 of the City of Coral Gables Code to establish a fine for failure to cure a mosquito infestation, providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Commissioner Keon)approved as an Ordinance on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
16-4788 1  OrdinanceAn Emergency Ordinance of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, amending Chapter 34, Article 1 of the City of Coral Gables Code to establish a fine for failure to cure a mosquito infestation, providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Commissioner Keon)adopted by Ordinance NumberPass Action details Video Video
15-4582 1E.-2. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commissioner of Coral Gables, Florida, amending the City of Coral Gables Code by creating Section 2-801,”Prohibition on use of Polystyrene” in Article VIII Procurement Code, and amending the City Code by creating Section 62-230 “Prohibition on use of Polystyrene” in Article VIII Special Events, and amending the City Code by creating Article VIII “Sale, Use of Distribution of Polystyrene by Businesses within the City” in Chapter 34 Nuisance, of the City Code; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Commissioner Lago)adopted by Ordinance NumberPass Action details Video Video
16-4723 1E.-3. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, prohibiting a resident or business from removing a sewer cap during a backup; providing for enforcement; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.adopted by Ordinance NumberPass Action details Video Video
16-4726 1E.-4. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables adopting the Restated Charter as the official Charter of the City of Coral Gables, and providing for a repealer provision, a severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date (This proposal does not substantively amend the Charter. Instead, this proposal improves its readability and format, corrects the footnotes and legal history, complies with the Municipal Home Rule Powers Act, and includes a forward).adopted as amended by Ordinance Number Pass Action details Video Video
16-4750 1E.-5. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, amending the Code of the City of Coral Gables by amending Division 2 “Code Enforcement Board” and Division 3 “Supplemental Code Enforcement Procedures” of Article VI “Code Enforcement” of Chapter 101 “Administration and Enforcement”; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.approved as an Ordinance on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
16-4760 1E.-6. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables sunsetting the Coral Gables Health Facilities Authority, pursuant to Florida Statutes Section 154.207(2); providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.approved as an Ordinance on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
16-4790 1E.-7. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables creating City Code Section 2-75, “City Commission Quasi-Judicial Hearings,” and establishing guidelines for the submission of documentary evidence to the City Commission; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Quesada)approved as an Ordinance on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
16-4752 1E.-8. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables amending the Code of The City of Coral Gables by amending Article VII “Procurement Code” of Chapter 2 “Administration”, allowing for the City Manager to issue an alternate recommendation to the City Commission, other than the Selection Committee’s, without requiring a bid waiver”; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.approved as an Ordinance on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
16-4779 1E.-9.Waterway Advisory BoardOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables creating in accordance with the City Code, Article III, Division 1, Section 2-64, a Waterway Advisory Board and setting forth guidelines by which such advisory board shall be governed, and providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Commissioner Lago)approved as an Ordinance on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
16-4762 1E.-10.Resolutoin - Final Plat entitled "Townhouse on Valencia Phase II (444 Valencia Avenue)ResolutionResolution of the City Commission of Coral Gables approving the Final Plat entitled “Townhouse on Valencia Phase II” pursuant to Zoning Code Article 3, Division 9, “Platting/Subdivision”, being a re-plat of an approximately 0.27 acre property into four (4) platted lots for four (4) residential townhouses on property assigned Multi-Family Special Area District (MFSA) zoning, on the property legally described as Lots 1-4, Block 15, Biltmore Section (444 Valencia Avenue), Coral Gables, Florida; providing for an effective date.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
16-4787 1F.-1. ResolutionUpdate and discussion regarding City Commission support for legalizing Uber, Lyft, and other ride sharing networks. (Sponsored by Commissioner Keon)adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
16-4791 1F.-2. Agenda ItemDiscussion regarding trash piles in single family residential areas. (Sponsored by Commissioner Keon)Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-4792 1F.-3. Agenda ItemDiscussion regarding improving Citizens access to City information by making Board of Architects submittals and Board Meeting information easily assessible to residents online. (Sponsored by Commissioner Lago)Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-4769 1H.-1.Presentation of the Quarterly Financial Report for the quarter ended December 31, 2015.Agenda ItemPresentation of the Quarterly Financial Report for the three months ended December 31, 2015.Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-4783 1H.-2.lugo-red traffic circle maintenanceResolutionA Resolution of the City of Coral Gables to assume all liability, maintenance and improvements, of the existing traffic circle, located at the intersection of Lugo Road and Red Road, at the City’s cost. (Because one quarter of the traffic circle is within the Village of Pinecrest, Coral Gables will also seek concurrence from Pinecrest.)adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
16-4794 1I.-1. ResolutionStatus update regarding City Commission’s request to the Miami-Dade County Mayor and Board of County Commissioners to resolve the lawsuit between Miami-Dade County and the Lola B. Walker Homeowner’s Association.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video