City of Coral Gables

Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/10/2015 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Commission Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
15-4473 1A.-1. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of a Proclamation declaring November 28, 2015 as "Small Business Saturday" in Coral Gables.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
15-4371 1A.-2. Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Officer Emilio Flores, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Officer of the Month Award,” for the month of August, 2015.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
15-4481 1A.-3. Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Sergeant Luis Lanz, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Officer of the Month Award,” for the month of September, 2015.Deferred  Action details Not available
15-4480 1A.-4. Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Detective Brad Baena, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Detective of the 3rd Quarter Award,” for the months of July through September, 2015.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
15-4489 1A.-5.November 2015 Firefighter of the Month AwardPresentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Capt. Thad Ovcarich, recipient of the City of Coral Gables "Firefighter of the Month Award," for the month of November, 2015.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
15-4502 1A.-6.CGFD Extrication Team's success at the "2015 National Traffic Incident Extrication Challenge"Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to the Coral Gables Fire Department Extrication Team, on their success at the “2015 National Traffic Incident Extrication Challenge,” during the week of October 28, 2015.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
15-4501 1A.-7.EOM November 2015Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Antonio Silio who holds the title Ombudsman for Residents and Small Businesses, recipient of the "Employee of the Month Award," for the month of November, 2015.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
15-4522 1B.-1. MinutesRegular City Commission Meeting of September 22, 2015.approvedPass Action details Video Video
15-4484 1C.-1.FDOT Maint agreement for Alhambra CircleResolutionA Resolution authorizing the execution of an Off-System Construction and Maintenance Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to construct safety improvements on Alhambra Circle, a road not on the State Highway System.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
15-4491 1C.-2.FAF - FY16 DARE OperationsResolutionA Resolution authorizing an expenditure in the amount of $4,793 from previously encumbered State Forfeited Asset Fund (F.A.F.) monies, to support the 2015/2016 Fiscal Year operations of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program, conducted by the Coral Gables Police Department Youth Resource Unit.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
15-4492 1C.-3.FAF - FY16 15% Set AsideResolutionA Resolution authorizing an encumbrance in the amount of $5,048 or 15% of the State Forfeited Asset Fund (F.A.F.) monies received in the 2014/2015 Fiscal Year, to provide for the support and operation of school resource officer, crime prevention, safe neighborhood and drug abuse and prevention programs, as required under the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
15-4493 1C.-4.FAF - FY16 Police Explorer Post OperationsResolutionA Resolution authorizing an expenditure in the amount of $8,334 from previously encumbered State Forfeited Asset Fund (F.A.F.) monies, to support the 2015/2016 Fiscal Year operations of the Police Explorer Post #594 program, conducted by the Coral Gables Police Department Youth Resource Unit.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
15-4495 1C.-5.FAF - FY16 PAL OperationsResolutionA Resolution authorizing an expenditure in the amount of $22,000 from State Forfeited Asset Fund (F.A.F.) monies, to support the 2015/2016 Fiscal Year operations of the Coral Gables Police Athletic League (P.A.L.) program, conducted by the Coral Gables Police Department Youth Resource Unit.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
15-4496 1C.-6.FAF - Biometric Fingerprint ScannersResolutionA Resolution authorizing expenditures in the amount of $41,000 from Federal Forfeited Asset Fund (F.A.F.) monies for law enforcement equipment; the purchase of biometric fingerprint scanners and associated software for utilization by the Coral Gables Police Department.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
15-4497 1C.-7.FAF - FY16 Do The Right Thing OperationsResolutionA Resolution authorizing an expenditure in the amount of $500 from previously encumbered State Forfeited Asset Fund (F.A.F.) monies, to support the 2015/2016 Fiscal Year operations of the "Do The Right Thing" program, conducted by the Coral Gables Police Department Youth Resource Unit.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
15-4438 11.-1. MinutesCommunications Committee meeting minutes of October 15, 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available
15-4479 11.-2.CDB Meeting 10.08.15MinutesCultural Development Board meeting minutes of October 8, 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available
15-4488 11.-3. MinutesEconomic Development Board meeting minutes of October 7, 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available
15-4486 11.-4. MinutesProperty Advisory Board meeting minutes of October 21, 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available
15-4477 11.-5. MinutesThe School Community Relations Committee meeting minutes of October 16, 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-4674 1Non AgendaVincent Damian appointment to the Anti-Crime CommitteeResolutionA Resolution appointing Vincent Damian (Nominated by Chief Hudak) to serve as a member of the Anti-Crime Committee, for the remainder of a two (2) year term, which began on June 1, 2015 and continues through May 31, 2017.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
15-4509 1D.-1. Agenda ItemIntroduction by former Coral Gables Commissioner Wayne "Chip" Withers of Ms. Caroline Parker, Interim Director of the Coral Gables Museum.Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
15-4518 1D.-2. Agenda ItemJunior Orange Bowl Executive Director Jessica Cerda has requested to provide the Commission with an update regarding the upcoming November 29, 2015 Junior Orange Bowl Parade, which will take place in Downtown Coral Gables, featuring this year’s theme, “Our Historic Hometown.”Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
15-4500 1E.-1.Emergency Ordinance adopting property tax exemption for qualifying income seniorsOrdinanceAn Emergency Ordinance of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, amending the Code of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, by amending Chapter 66, “Taxation,” Article VI, “Ad Valorem Taxation,” Division 2, “Homestead Exemption for Low-income Elderly Persons,” adopting property tax exemption under State Amendment 11 for qualifying income seniors, 65 years of age or older, who are living in a residence for 25 years or more, with a homestead property valued under $250,000.00; Providing for submission of appropriate documentation to the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser; Providing for repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (This ordinance does not affect the 2015 Tax Year or the FY 2016 City Budget; it would affect the 2016 Tax Year and the FY 2017 City Budget). (Sponsored by Commissioner Lago)approved as an Ordinance on First Reading as AmendedPass Action details Video Video
15-4500 1 Emergency Ordinance adopting property tax exemption for qualifying income seniorsOrdinanceAn Emergency Ordinance of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, amending the Code of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, by amending Chapter 66, “Taxation,” Article VI, “Ad Valorem Taxation,” Division 2, “Homestead Exemption for Low-income Elderly Persons,” adopting property tax exemption under State Amendment 11 for qualifying income seniors, 65 years of age or older, who are living in a residence for 25 years or more, with a homestead property valued under $250,000.00; Providing for submission of appropriate documentation to the Miami-Dade County Property Appraiser; Providing for repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (This ordinance does not affect the 2015 Tax Year or the FY 2016 City Budget; it would affect the 2016 Tax Year and the FY 2017 City Budget). (Sponsored by Commissioner Lago)adopted as amended by Ordinance Number Pass Action details Video Video
15-4443 1E.-2. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, granting subpoena power to the City Attorney on behalf of the City, and providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.adopted by Ordinance NumberPass Action details Video Video
15-4442 1E.-3. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, creating a False Claims and Presentations Ordinance to prohibit false or incomplete presentations to or false or fraudulent claims against the City of Coral Gables, providing for enforcement; and providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.adopted by Ordinance NumberPass Action details Video Video
15-4475 1E.-4.Ordinance - ZC Text Amend. Article 5, Divi. 19 and amending Article 8, DefinitionsOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, providing for text amendments to the City of Coral Gables Official Zoning Code by amending Article 4, Division 4 “Prohibited Uses”, by amending Article 5, Division 19 “Signs”, and by amending Article 8 “Definitions”; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.approved as an Ordinance on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
15-4476 1E.-5.Ordinance - Text Amendments to City Code: Chapter(s) 14, 62 and 105OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, providing for text amendments to the City of Coral Gables Code by amending: • Chapter 14, Article III, Section 14-70 “Advertising Sign Requirements”; • Chapter 62, Article I, Section 62-1 “Sidewalk Advertising; Using Streets Or Sidewalks For Advertising Purposes”; • Chapter 62, Article VI, Section 62-185 “Application, Contents”; • Chapter 62, Article VI, Section 62-186 “Application Permit Required For Work Or Commercial Activities That Obstruct Or Close A Public Right-Of-Way Or Impede Traffic; Permit For Assemblies; Permit For Parades; Prohibitions”; and • Chapter 105, Article II, Section 105-27 “Condition Of Commercial Property”; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.approved as an Ordinance on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
15-4362 1F.-1.Board of Adjustment Appeal – Application No. BA 12-12-3657 (4635 Granada Boulevard)ResolutionBoard of Adjustment Appeal - Application No. BA 12-12-3657 (4635 Granada Boulevard). Mr. Leonardo L. Cornide, applicant, has filed an appeal to the Coral Gables City Commission from a decision of the Board of Adjustment at its regular meeting of Monday, September 14, 2015, wherein it denied a variance request as outlined under the applicant’s proposal.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
15-4498 1F.-2.US EPA Clean Power Plan Reso.ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, in support of the New York Attorney General’s Office in their defense of the United States EPA’s Clean Power Plan. (Sponsored by Mayor Cason, Commissioner Keon and Commissioner Lago)adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
15-4520 1G.-1. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission appointing Andrea Molina (Nominated by the Commission-As-A-Whole) to serve as a member of the Property Advisory Board, for the remainder of a two (2) year term, which began on June 1, 2015 and continues through May 31, 2017.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
15-4490 1H.-1.Community Recreation Master PlanResolutionA Resolution accepting the recommendation of the Chief Procurement Officer to authorize contract negotiations with AECOM Technical Services, Inc., as the professional services consultant to conduct a comprehensive fifteen year Community Recreation Master Plan, pursuant to Florida Statute 287.055, known as the “Consultants Competitive Negotiation Act,” and Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 2015.09.24.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
15-4482 1H.-2.Miracle Mile-Giralda Streetscape UpdateAgenda ItemUpdate on the Miracle Mile and Giralda Avenue Streetscape project.Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
15-4508 1H.-3.Update on Building Permit Focus Group Meeting ReportAgenda ItemUpdate on Building Permit Focus Group Meeting report.Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
15-4511 1H.-4. ResolutionA Resolution directing the City Manager and City Staff to undertake a study of the possible annexation to the City of Coral Gables of the areas known as “Little Gables,” “Ponce-Davis,” and “High Pines,” and provide a report to the City Commission.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
15-4505 1I.-1. Agenda ItemStatus report regarding potential ordinance legalizing ride-sharing networks in Coral Gables, under section 6.02 of the Miami-Dade County Charter.Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
15-4510 1I.-2. ResolutionStatus update regarding discussions with USPS relating to mail delivery to townhomes at 515 to 533 Anastasia Avenue.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
15-4517 1I.-3. ResolutionRequest for Authority to modify Dispute Resolution Agreement relating to Lots 13, 14, and 15 of Coral Gables Granada Section (1011 and 1015 Lisbon Street) whereby the City would purchase Lots 14 and 15, which includes the specimen trees referred to as Sherman’s Oak and the surrounding tree protection zone.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
16-4677 1Non Agenda ResolutionA Resolution of the City of Coral Gables, City Commission directing staff to work with the Old Cutler Bay Homeowners association to select a contractor, and ensure that such contractor meets the minimum requirements set forth by the City; further stating that any and all cost overruns related to the project will be covered by the Old Cutler Bay Homeowners Association.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-4675 1Non AgendaPaseo de la Riviera Second Reading Time CertainResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission setting forth the time of the Second Reading of the Paseo de la Riviera Project, to be heard on Tuesday, December 8, 2015, commencing 4:00 P.M., with the Public Hearing scheduled to begin at 5:01 P.M.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
15-4506 1L-1. Agenda ItemAttorney-Client executive session in the City Conference Room, 1st Floor, closed to the public, for purposes of discussing the lawsuit pending in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit entitled Merrick Partners, LTD et al. v. City of Coral Gables, Case No. 15-020048 CA 25 (Fla. 11th Judicial Cir.). This session may be attended by the following individuals: Mayor Jim Cason, Vice Mayor Frank Quesada, Commissioner Patricia Keon, Commissioner Vince Lago, Commissioner Jeannett Slesnick, City Manager Cathy Swanson-Rivenbark, City Attorney Craig Leen, Deputy City Attorney Miriam Ramos, Assistant City Attorney Yaneris Figueroa, Special Counsel Adolfo Jimenez, and Special Counsel Brian Toth. A certified Court Reporter will be present to ensure that the session is fully transcribed, and the transcripts will be made available to the public upon the conclusion of the above-stated litigation. At the conclusion of the Attorney-Client session, the City Commission meeting will be reopened and the person chairing the Commission meeting will announce the termination of the Attorney-Client session.   Action details Not available