| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 3411 Granada Boulevard
Agreed order in place.
Violation Description - Section 34-55 of the City Code, to wit: by failing to consistently maintain lot by allowing overgrown hedges and grass and weeds on the patio and dead vegetation (leaves and palm fronds) on the Property and swale and by allowing water in the swimming pool and pond in the rear yard to become stagnant. Sections 34-202 and 34-203 of the City Code, to wit; by failing to register the Property as vacant and provide updated registration information, and by failing to maintain the Property, as set forth herein. Sections 226 and 255 of Chapter 105, Minimum Housing Code, of the City Code; to wit: by allowing a dirty and broken accessory structure (fountain) that is full of dead vegetation (leaves) in the front yard Sections 255 and 278 of Chapter 105, Minimum Housing Code, of the City Code, to wit: by allowing the Structure’s roof, driveway, patio, and walls to become dirty and portions of the walls to lack any paint. Sec. 105-26 of the City Code and Section of the Florida Building Code; to wit: by allowing | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 3501 Durango Street
Violation Description - Building permit BL-08-06-0850 (NEW GREEN INDIAN SANDSTONE PAVERS & BELGARD BRICK DRIVEWAY) is expired and has been uncompleted for more than a year.
Remedy - Must reactivate permit and call all inspections to close the permit.
Owner -Carlos Nunez &W Lisette
Code Enforcement Officer Bermudez | Continued | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 6621 Santona Street
Violation Description -Expired permit BL18042837 (New Swimming Pool)
Remedy - Must Reactivate permit BL18042837
Owner - Roberto Gonzalez JR Angie Crespo
Code Enforcement Officer Roman | found Guilty | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 601 Santurce Avenue
Violation Description - Permit PL-19-04-4744 is expired.
Remedy - Must reactivate permit, call for inspections and close out permit.
Owner - Gregg Alan Spieller Trs Gregg Alan Spieler Restated Tr
Code Enforcement Officer Quintana | Complied prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 540 Reinante Avenue
Violation Description - Boat Lift installed without approval and permits.
Remedy - Obtain approval and permits for the boat lift or must remove.
Owner - Cheryl Hamersmith C/O Alex Jimenez
Code Enforcement Officer Quintana | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 10305 Sabal Palm Avenue
Violation Description - Permit BL-09-10-2332 is expired.
Remedy - Must reactivate permits, call for inspections and final out permit.
Owner - Nicola Louise Brown
Code Enforcement Officer Quintana | Complied prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 16 Coral Way
Violation Description - Permit #17081698 is expired
Remedy - Must reactivate permit , obtain all pending inspections and finalize permit.
Owner - Miracle Real estate LTD.
Code Enforcement Officer J. Garcia | found Guilty | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 4100 Salzedo Street
Violation Description -(13) expired permits not finalized. - BL19124800, BL10054462, BL11096879, BL13100598, BL14023086, BL17072294, EL13122604, ME15045567, ME18084259, ME20025824, PL14082345, ZN09091791, ZN09091794
Remedy - Must reactivate, obtain all necessary inspections and finalize permits.
Owner - One Village Place Condominium Association
Code Enforcement Officer J. Garcia | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 4425 Ponce de Leon Boulevard
Violation Description - property has (9) expired permits that were never finalized. Permits .
BL20015102, BL14023219, BL14123203, BL18123268, BL19044605, BLEL13020617, EL15065432, EL18123305, EL14033400 .
Remedy - Must re-open permits, obtain all pending inspections and finalize permit
Owner - Merrick Park LLC.
Code Enforcement Officer J. Garcia | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 232 Zamora Avenue
Violation Description - Expired permit- Demolition BL-17-05-1848, which includes ZN -17-05-1852 - temporary chain link fence.
Remedy - Must reactivate permit, final all inspections and final permit.
Owner - 232 Zamora LLC
Code Enforcement Officer Delgado | found Guilty | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1260 Medina Avenue
Violation Description - Installed gray awning at rear without a permit, driveway extended without a permit, pavers and walkway without a permit, enclosed garage without a permit (including electrical, plumbing and a/c wall unit), removed window at west side and replaced with a door without a permit.
Bamboo fence and shed is prohibited.
Remedy - Must obtain approvals and permits for all work done.
Return enclosed garage to its original state.
Remove bamboo fence and shed.
Owner - Amellia Martinez
Code Enforcement Officer Delgado | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 395 Alcazar Avenue
Violation Description - Ch. 105-26 City Code (EXP): Expired/ abandoned permit# BL-15-03-4374 covering proposed alteration, repair, replacement, installation, or construction on the roof of the building.
Remedy - Please re-activate the permit BL-15-03-4374, call for all pending inspections, pass pending inspections and close out permit
Owner - Zebra Ebra Properties Inc % Burger King #71
Code Enforcement Officer Delgado | found Guilty | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 2800-2810 Le Jeune Road
Violation Description - WWP- Installation commenced of new driveway in rear and installation of artificial turf without required permit.
Remedy - Stop Work - Must obtain all "after the fact" permits for driveway and installation of artificial turf.
Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1230 Genoa Street
Violation Description - 1) Sections 34-202 and 34-203 of the City Code - Failure to maintain (as set forth herein) and register vacant property.
2) Section 105-26 of the City Code and Section 105.1 of the Florida Building Code and Sections 3-207 and 3-208 and of the City Zoning Code - Installation of wall unit air conditioner, including opening cut into wall, without a permit.
3) Sections 224, 226, 227, 248, 250, 253, 254, 255, 275, 278, 280, and 281 of Chapter 105, Minimum Housing Code, of the City Code - As to the detached garage/accessory structure: Failure to maintain an accessory structure by allowing: rodent and termite infestation; the roof to collapse and for the structure to fall into disrepair, creating a hazard; an accumulation of trash and debris in the structure; cracks and loose plaster on the walls.
4) Sections 224, 248, 250, 253, 254, 255, 275, 278, 279, 280, and 281 of Chapter 105, Minimum Housing Code, of the City Code - As to the single-family home: Failure to maintain the structure by allowing: a structural beam in the living room to crack | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 614 Santander Avenue
Violation Description - EXP- Property has open and expired permit
Remedy - Must renew expired permits and obtain/pass all inspections to close
Owner - Herkaza Corp.
Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz | found Guilty | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 820 Tangier Street
Violation Description - Expired Permit on Property
** Change of Contractor to permit BL-20-03-6693
** expires 9/2/21 - will re inspect**
Remedy -Must Re-activate permit and obtain all required inspections to close.
Owner -Madhavan Nair &W Rema
Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 671 Biltmore Way
Violation Description - WWP- Interior / Exterior renovation, enclosing a open air area without permit. Including Electrical and Mechanical. Doing renovations on roof / common area without permit at walkway and deck area.
Remedy -Must permit existing situation to legalize. Stop work on deck and obtain all "after the fact: permits.
Owner -Biltmore Village Condo
Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz | found Guilty | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 5665 Ponce de Leon Boulevard Main Campus UNIV MIA AMD
Violation Description - Permit #16-12-6509 Installation of Car Lifts
Permit over a year old.
Remedy - Need to re-activate permit, call for the inspections and close out the permit.
The permit needs to be closed out.
Owner - University of Miami
Code Enforcement Field Supervisor Sheppard | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Agenda Item | 1013 Castile Avenue
Violation Description -
1. Sections 34-202 and 203 of the City Code, to wit: failure to register and maintain a vacant abandoned property.
2. Section 105-26 of the City Code and Section 105.1 of the Florida Building Code and Sections 3-207 and 3-208 and of the City Zoning Code, to wit: work without a permit on the single-family home and accessory structure on the Property (collectively referred to as “Structures”) that (a) exceeds the scope of existing development approvals, including, but not limited to, building permit BL 16-12-7121 and all subpermits required to complete the Structures (“Permits”) by (i) altering rafter tails and size of window openings of single-family home, and (ii) removing balcony of and altering stucco on accessory structure; and (b) by allowing the Permits to expire as of 4-21-21.
3. Sections 250, 253, and 254 of Chapter 105, the City Minimum Housing Code, to wit: by maintaining the Structures without screens, windows, and doors, so that the Structures are not weather and watertight and are not effectively protected against the ent | found Guilty | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1104 Malaga Avenue
Violation Description -
1. Sections 34-202 and 34-203 of the City Code, to wit: failure to maintain (as set forth herein) and register vacant Property
2. Sections 226, 250, 251, 254, 255, and 278 of Chapter 105, Minimum Housing Code, of the City Code, to wit: repeat violation: Structure’s roof, chimney, exterior walls, front and rear steps, patios, and porches, and garage stairs are dirty and in need of cleaning or painting; and front doors are discolored and fading; garage doors are damaged; and some windows are boarded
3. Section 34-104 of the City Code: to wit: repeat violation, there is abandoned vehicle (Jaguar s-type) on the Property.
Remedy -
1. Register the Property as vacant at https:///prochamps.com and apply for, obtain, and pass final inspection on all required permits to maintain the Property or occupy the Property.
2. Clean roof, chimney, exterior walls, patios, porches, and steps, and stairs, apply for, obtain, and pass final inspection on color pallet approval to paint Structure and any required development ap | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1243 Sorolla Avenue
Violation Description -
1. Sections 34-202 and 34-203 of the City Code; to wit: Failure to maintain (as set forth herein) and register vacant Property.
2. Section 105-26 of the City Code and Section 105.1 of the Florida Building Code and Sections 3-207 and 3-208 and of the City Zoning Code; to wit: work on fascia boards and soffits of roof without a permit.
Remedy -
1. Register the Property as vacant on https://prochamps.com and apply for, obtain, and pass final inspection on all required permits to maintain the Property or occupy the Property.
2. Apply for, obtain, and pass final inspection on all required development approvals, including, but not limited to, building permits to legalize or demolish unpermitted work.
Owner - Silvia C V Mantilla de Rodriguez Rayza J Rodriguez, and Amalia de la Caridad de Fernandez
Code Enforcement Field Supervisor Sheppard | found Guilty | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1330 Coral Way
Violation Description - Replacement of damaged wood from 2nd floor balcony without approval and permit
Remedy - Must obtain approval and permit
Owner - Marlen Pernetti
Code Enforcement Officer Delgado | found Guilty | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 25 Campina Court
Violation Description - Wooden fence installed with out a permit.
Remedy - Remove fence
Owner - Yohandel Ruiz
Code Enforcement Officer J. Garcia | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1109 Asturia Avenue
CEB - 2-16-22 - Returning for Status Report
Request for Hearing on Notice of Intent to Lien
CEB - 9-23-2020 - Continued 90 days (December cancelled)
CEB 2-20-2019 - Agreed Order read into the record
Violation Description - Section 34-55 of the City Code, to wit: failure to maintain the Property, including but not limited to, by allowing dead vegetation and vines to grow on the Structure and roof and overgrown bushes and vines. Sections 34-202 and 34-203 of the City Code; to wit: failure to maintain (as set forth herein) and register vacant Property. Sections 226, 250, 251, 255, and 278 of Chapter 105, Minimum Housing Code, of the City Code; as to the garage: Failure to maintain an accessory structure by allowing garage doors to become damaged and walls to become dirty. Sections 250, 252, 255 and 278 of Chapter 105, Minimum Housing Code, of the City Code; as to the single-family home: There are loose roof tiles on the awning over the front door. Sections 255 and 278 of Chapter 105, Minimum Housing Code, of the City Code; as to the single-family ho | Continued | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 250 Catalonia Avenue
CEB 7-21-2021 - Request to be heard on the Notice of Intent to Lien
Violation Description - Permits BL19055982, BL19024415 and BL15065689 are expired.
Remedy - Must reactivate , obtain all pending inspections and finalize permits.
Owner - Catalonia offices 2018 LLC.
Code Enforcement Officer J. Garcia | | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Agenda Item | 1500 South Dixie Highway
CEB 7-21-2021 - Requested to be heard via email.
Violation Description - Worked performed without a permit.
- Building not complaint.
- Expired permits.
- BL18012047 Expired Permit (Caulk Exterior Windows)
- BL16046482 Expired Permit (Commercial Interior/Exterior Alterations-ADA Repairs & Upgrades BANK OF AMERICA
Remedy - Obtain necessary approvals and permit(s).
- Building must completed as per plans and specifications upon which the building permit(s) was issued.
- Renew expired permit(s) or obtain a new permit(s) and obtain all required inspections.
Owner - Madruga Invest LLC
Code Enforcement Officer Roman | found Guilty | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1252 Obispo Avenue
CEB 3-16-22 Returning for status report.
CEB 9-15-2021 - Returning for Status Report. Notice of Intent to lien has been placed due to non-compliance..
CEB 7-21-2021 - Returning for Status Report. Notice of Intent to lien has been placed due to non-compliance..
CEB 4-21-2021 - G/30/$75/$108.75. Comply by 5-21-2021 by re-activating permit(s) or pay $75 per day thereafter, +$108.75 admin fee. Provide status report in 3 months - return to 7-21-2021 hearing.
Violation Description - Expired permit: BL14-11-4165 - Residential Addition.
Remedy - Must reactivate permit, call in for inspections and close out permit.
Owner - Ramesh C Airan &W Aruna R
Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1252 Obispo Avenue
CEB 3-16-2022 Returning for Status Report.
CEB 9-15-2021 - Returning for Status Report. Notice of Intent to lien has been placed due to non-compliance.
CEB 7-21-2021 - Returning for Status Report. Notice of Intent to lien has been placed due to non-compliance..
CEB 4-21-2021 - G/30/$75 Comply by 5-21-2021 by re-activating permit(s) or pay $75 per day thereafter, admin fee waived the Board. Provide status report in 3 months - return to 7-21-2021 hearing.
Violation Description - The following permits have been open for more than a year: BL-14-11-4165 (Residential Addition) and ZN-18-06-4250 (Chain link fence).The following permits have been open for more than a year: BL-14-11-4165 (Residential Addition) and ZN-18-06-4250 (Chain link fence).
Remedy - Need to complete, call for inspections and close out permits.
Owner - Ramesh C Airan &W Aruna R
Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available