City of Coral Gables

Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final Revised
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Police and Fire Headquarters, Community Meeting Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-8540 1A.-1. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of a Proclamation declaring March 2025 as "National Athletic Training Month" in Coral Gables.   Not available Video Video
25-8554 1A.-2. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of a Proclamation declaring March 2025 as "Women's History Month" in Coral Gables.   Not available Video Video
25-8739 1A.-3. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of a Proclamation declaring April as "Autism Acceptance Month" in Coral Gables.   Not available Video Video
25-8546 1A.-4. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of the Landscape Beautification Advisory Board’s 2024 residential beautification awards.   Not available Video Video
25-8545 1A.-5. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA - 40 year award.   Not available Not available
25-8713 1A.-6. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of a Proclamation declaring April 25, 2025 as "Arbor Day" in Coral Gables.   Not available Video Video
25-8750 1A.-7. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of a proclamation declaring April 2025 as "Earth Month" in Coral Gables.   Not available Video Video
25-8622 1A.-8. Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Driver Engineer Ryan Verdecia recipient of the City of Coral Gables "Firefighter of the Month Award," for the month of February 2025.   Not available Video Video
25-8744 1A.-9. Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Officer Peter Hernandez, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Officer of the Year,” for 2024.   Not available Video Video
25-8719 1D.-1. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission authorizing the City Manager to apply for financial assistance from the Florida InLand Navigation District (FIND) Waterways Assistance Program for the acquisition a small marine patrol vessel and night vision equipment in the amount of $56,500 with a city match of $56,500, for a total project cost of $113,000.   Not available Not available
25-8745 1D.-2.City 6 Force Main Replacement (Stonehenge) contract modificationsResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission authorizing a contract modification to Stonehenge Construction, LLC. Contract No. IFB 2024-029 for Pump Station 6 Force Main Replacement project, pursuant to Section 2-764 (b) "Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications", in the amount of $75,000 to cover unforeseen items. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Not available
25-8752 1D.-3. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to waive the competitive bid process of the Procurement Code as a special procurement/bid waiver for the continuation of professional programming services with the Golf Academy of South Florida for golf instructional programming and seasonal camp services at the Granada Golf Course at the Coral Gables Golf & Country Club, in the estimated amount of $80,000 not to exceed the available budget, pursuant to Section 2-691 of the City’s Procurement Code. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Not available
25-8753 1D.-4. ResolutionA Resolution of the CIty Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to waive the competitive bid process of the Procurement Code as a special procurement/bid waiver for the implementation of any costs or fees associated with the Coral Gables Youth Center Soccer Travel Program for the 2025-2026 soccer season, in the estimated amount of $168,400 not to exceed the available budget, pursuant to Section 2-691 of the City’s Procurement Code.   Not available Not available
25-8754 1D.-5. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to waive the competitive bid process of the Procurement Code as a special procurement/bid waiver for the continuation of professional programming services with Furia Flamenca for dance related programming and camp services at the War Memorial Youth Center, in the estimated amount of $50,000 not to exceed the available budget, pursuant to section 2-691 of the City’s Procurement Code.   Not available Not available
25-8755 1D.-6. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to waive the competitive bid process of the Procurement Code as a Special Procurement/Bid Waiver for the continuation of professional programming services with Evolve Theatre for theater related programming, camps and shows including rehearsals and ticket admission services at the War Memorial Youth Center in the estimated amount of $94,500 not to exceed the available budget, pursuant to Section 2-691 of the City’s Procurement Code.   Not available Not available
25-8756 1D.-7. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to waive the competitive bid process of the Procurement Code as a Special Procurement/Bid Waiver for the continuation of professional services with Bricks 4 Kidz for Lego and robotics related programming, and camp services at the War Memorial Youth Center, in the estimated amount of $75,000 not to exceed the available budget pursuant to Section 2-691 of the City’s Procurement Code. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Not available
25-8757 1D.-8. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to waive the competitive bid process of the Procurement Code as a special procurement/bid waiver for the continuation of professional programming services with Abrakadoodle for art related programming and camp services at the War Memorial Youth Center, in the estimated amount of $75,000 not to exceed the available budget, pursuant to Section 2-691 of the City’s Procurement Code. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Not available
25-8758 1D.-9. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation to waive the competitive bid process of the Procurement Code as a Special Procurement/Bid Waiver for the continuation of dish machine rental services with Ecolab in an estimated amount of $8,000 at the Coral Gables Golf and Country Club, pursuant to Section 2-691 of the City’s Procurement Code. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Not available
25-8768 1D.-10. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to retroactively waive the competitive bid process of the Procurement Code as a special procurement/bid waiver for the continuation of professional programming services with Diamond Degree Baseball for baseball related programming services at the War Memorial Youth Center, in the estimated amount of $30,000 not to exceed the available budget, pursuant to Section 2-691 of the City’s Procurement Code. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Not available
25-8762 1D.-13.Toledo & Alava Park Project Contract Mod M&J Gen ContResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to request additional spending authority in the estimated amount of $75,000, or not to exceed available budget, for a contract awarded to M&J General Contractors Contract No. IFB 2024-017, for the construction of Toledo and Alava Park pursuant to Section 2-764 of the Procurement Code entitled “Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications”. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Not available
25-8760 1D.-14.Blue Rd Park Contract Mod M&J Gen ContResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to request additional spending authority in the estimated amount of $75,000, or not to exceed available budget, for a contract awarded to M&J General Contractors Contract No. IFB 2024-026 for the Blue Road Park Construction project, pursuant to Section 2-764 of the Procurement Code entitled "Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications”. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Not available
25-8774 1D.-16. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation to authorize the award of a contract with Forerunner Industries, Inc for the City Floodplain Management as a "Sole Source Procurement," pursuant to Section 2-689 of the City's Procurement Code in the estimated of $54,900.00 for a period of 3 years.   Not available Not available
25-8782 1D.-17.950 University Dr - Outside Sewer ConnectionResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission authorizing the execution of an agreement for sewer connection for property located outside the City’s sewer district at 950 University Dr, Coral Gables, Florida into the City of Coral Gables wastewater collection / transmission system, subject to the requirements of the Public Works Department, as provided under Chapters 62 and 78 of the City Code, Ordinance Nos. 2007-29 and 2009-39 and Resolution No. 2008-07; and provided that the executed agreement be made part of this resolution.   Not available Not available
25-8785 1D.-18. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission authorizing the acceptance of a third amendment to Grant No. C2207 with the State of Florida, Department of Environmental Protection, extending the agreement period by thirteen months, from June 30, 2025, to July 31, 2026, for the Coral Gables Sanitary Sewer Coastal Bay Service Area Grant, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the amendment for the financial assistance.   Not available Not available
25-8706 11.-1. MinutesAdvisory Board on Disability Affairs Meeting of February 5, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-8611 11.-2.CDB minutes 01.21.2025MinutesCultural Development Board Meeting of January 21, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-8751 11.-3. MinutesLandscape Beautification Advisory Board Meeting of February 13, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-8747 11.-4. MinutesSustainability Advisory Board Meeting of January 22, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-8715 11.-5.WAB meeting minutes February 2025MinutesWaterway Advisory Board Meeting of February 5, 2025.   Not available Not available
25-8780 12.-1.MDC Underline Project Recommendation- by WABResolutionA Resolution of the Waterway Advisory Board recommending the City Commission strongly advocate for a higher clearance from Miami-Dade's Underline Project's updated bridge clearance of 11.1 feet to maintain safe and accessible waterway navigation; and to direct staff to conduct an independent survey to verify clearances, both under the proposed bridge and under US-1, before any final approvals are granted.   Not available Video Video
25-8763 1D.-11.Passport Office Ren Contract Mod Lee ConstructionResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to request additional spending authority in the amount of $150,000 for a contract awarded to Lee Construction Group, Inc. Contract No. IFB 2023-027 for the Passport Building Renovations project, pursuant to Section 2-764 of the Procurement Code entitled “Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications”. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Video Video
25-8761 1D.-12.City Hall Cottage Project Contract Mod M&J Gen ContResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to request additional spending authority in an estimated amount of $150,000, or not to exceed available budget, for a contract awarded to M&J General Contractors Contract no. IFB 2024 -005 for the City Hall Cottage Renovations project, pursuant to Section 2-764 of the Procurement Code entitled “Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications”. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Video Video
25-8764 1D.-15.Venetian Pool Concession Project Contract Mod Vercetti EntResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to request additional spending authority in the estimated amount of $150,000, or not to exceed available budget, for a contract awarded to Vercetti Enterprises Contract No. IFB 2022-020 for the Venetian Pool Concession Area Renovations project, pursuant to Section 2-764 of the Procurement Code entitled “Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications”. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Video Video
25-8741 1D.-19. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission ratifying the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Coral Gables and the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 1210, implementing a Technical Response Team (TRT) and the terms and conditions of employment for TRT.   Not available Video Video
25-8565 1E.-1. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission granting approval of a Site Plan Amendment pursuant to Zoning Code Article 14, “Process” Section 14-203, “Conditional Uses,” for a Country Club originally approved by Ordinance No. 2016-34, as amended by Ordinance 2022-10, located within a Special Use (S) District, for the property commonly referred to as the “Riviera Country Club” and legally described as portions of Tracts 1 and 5, Riviera Country Club, a portion of Miami-Biltmore Golf Course of Riviera Section Part 4 and Lots 10-14, Block 112, Country Club Section Part 5 (1155 Blue Road), Coral Gables, Florida; all other conditions of approval contained in Ordinance 2016-34 shall remain in effect; providing for an effective date. (Legal description on file at the City). Lobbyist: Nelson de Leon Lobbyist: David Schoop   Not available Video Video
25-8710 1E.-2. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission amending Ordinance No. 2015-17, as amended, to revise permit renewal fees; providing for severability, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)   Not available Not available
25-8683 1E.-3. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission approving the Tree Relocation and Mitigation Plan for the townhouse development project referred to as “The George” on the property legally described as Lots 29 through 41, Block 10, Coral Gables Biltmore Section (717, 729, 737 and 741 Valencia Avenue), Coral Gables, Florida. Lobbyist: Mario Garcia-Serra   Not available Video Video
25-8702 1F.-1. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission directing the City Manager to explore potential acquisition of the property located at 110 Phoenetia Avenue (aka “The Garden of Our Lord”) located at the corner of Phoenetia Avenue and East Ponce de Leon Boulevard. (Sponsored by Commissioner Menendez)   Not available Video Video
25-8724 1F.-2. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission directing the City Manager to develop a plan for the temporary installation of “Umbrella Sky” at Giralda Plaza and to include funding for such installation in the FY2025-2026 Budget. (Sponsored by Commissioner Castro)   Not available Video Video
25-8765 1F.-3. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission directing the City Manager to identify funding to develop a concept design and to obtain community input regarding such concept design for improvement of the park located at 301 Majorca Avenue as a dedicated off-leash dog park. (Sponsored by Commissioner Castro)   Not available Video Video
25-8767 1F.-4. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission directing that the Community Choice Award for the Holiday Storefront Window Contest be named for Fernando Jaime Tello. (Sponsored by Commissioner Castro)   Not available Video Video
25-8769 1F.-5. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission directing the City Manager to plan and produce an employee picnic in 2025 and to plan for annual employee picnics each year thereafter. (Sponsored by Commissioner Castro)   Not available Video Video
25-8738 1F.-6. Agenda ItemAn update on the details of a residential parking rate pilot program to collect relevant data to determine the long-term feasibility of establishing a reduced resident parking rate. (Sponsored by Commissioner Castro).   Not available Video Video
25-8655 1F.-7. Agenda ItemUpdate on the Granada Golf Course rain shelters. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)   Not available Video Video
25-8766 1F.-8. Agenda ItemDiscussion regarding One Day for Jackson initiative. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)   Not available Video Video
25-8772 1F.-9. Agenda ItemDiscussion regarding an amendment to City Code Section 78-101 requiring property owners to maintain and repair the sewer lateral located within the public right-of-way. (Sponsored by Mayor Lago)   Not available Video Video
25-8779 1F.-10. Agenda ItemDiscussion regarding a drone show on Centennial Day on Miracle Mile. (Sponsored by Commissioner Castro)   Not available Video Video
25-8781 1F.-11. Agenda ItemUpdate on pet waste signs. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Anderson)   Not available Video Video
25-8784 1F.-12. Agenda ItemDiscussion regarding the Centennial Arbor Day Project. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Anderson)   Not available Video Video
25-8786 1F.-13. Agenda ItemUpdate on the Alhambra Circle sidewalk. (Sponsored by Commissioner Castro)   Not available Not available
25-8717 1G.-1.CDB Cultural Grant Updates FY2026ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission approving updates to the annual Cultural Grant Guidelines and Process including adding a category for Coral Gables Youth Arts Programming (CGYAP) with dedicated funding of $50,000, further maintaining funding at $228,228 for Coral Gables Core Cultural Organizations and Cultural Programs (CGC and CGP respectively) for Fiscal Year 2026 (Recommended by the Cultural Development Board Approval/Denial vote: 6 to 0).   Not available Video Video
25-8714 1H.-1. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission declaring Principles of Inclusion for individuals with autism and other special needs, and urging action by national, state, and local governments, businesses, and residential communities consistent with these principles.   Not available Not available
25-8716 1H.-2.AiPP Gables Go! IMX3ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission approving the City Manager to enter into an agreement with IMX3, LLC for development and implementation of the Extended Reality Experience (XR) known as Gables Go! in celebration of the City’s Centennial pursuant to section 2-689, Sole Source of the Procurement Code in an estimated amount of $250,000. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Video Video
25-8742 1H.-3.City 3 Force Main Replacement (Pabon) contract modificationsResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission authorizing a contract modification to Pabon Engineering, Inc. Contract No. IFB 2023-012 for the Pump Station 3 Force Main Replacement, pursuant to Section 2-764 (b) "Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications", allowing for contingency estimated at $250,000 or not to exceed the available budget. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Video Video
25-8743 1H.-4.Ponce Force Main Replacement (Roadway) contract modificationsResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission authorizing a contract modification to Roadway Construction, LLC. Contract No. IFB 2023-013 for the Ponce de Leon & Granada Force Main Replacement project, pursuant to Section 2-764 (b) "Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications", allowing for contingency estimated at $500,000 or not to exceed the available budget. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Video Video
25-8746 1H.-5.Thornton Minorca Garage Temp Offices Bid WaiverResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission approving the City Manager's recommendation to request a bid waiver for awarding a contract to Thornton Construction Company, Inc. for the construction of temporary offices for elected officials, in an estimated amount of $500,000 or not to exceed available budget, in accordance with Section 2-691 of the Procurement Code, titled "Special Procurements/Bid Waiver." Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Video Video
25-8759 1H.-6.Venetian Pool Bottom Project Contract Mod-John BellResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to request additional spending authority in the estimated amount of $800,000, or not to exceed available budget, for a contract awarded to John Bell Construction, Inc. Contract No. IFB 2024-025 for the Venetian Pool Bottom Replacement and Pump System Improvements, pursuant to Section 2-764 of the Procurement Code entitled “Approval of Change orders and Contract Modifications”. Lobbyist: N/A   Not available Video Video
25-8771 1H.-7. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission directing the City Manager to explore potential acquisition of the property located at 4916 Washington Drive.   Not available Video Video
25-8709 1H.-8. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission authorizing the renewal of the Property and Casualty Insurance Program which includes, but is not limited to, property, general liability, automobile liability, public officials errors and omissions, excess workers’ compensation, crime liability, cyber liability, terrorism property and liability, pollution liability, deadly weapon protection coverage, flood, as well as other ancillary lines of insurance coverage and insurance broker fees through Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc., for a not to exceed amount of $3,423,716 for the policy period of May 1, 2025 to May 1, 2026 (Funding Source: Insurance Fund)   Not available Video Video
25-8726 1H.-9. Agenda ItemUpdate on credit card processing fees.   Not available Video Video
25-8562 1H.-10. Agenda ItemLegislative Update on Preemptive Bills and other of interest.   Not available Video Video
25-8725 1I.-1. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission formally accepting the 2025 update to the Sea Level Rise White Paper and authorizing future amendments to the Paper.   Not available Video Video