City of Coral Gables

Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Code Enforcement Ticket Hearing Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/6/2024 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: City Hall, Commission Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TICK-23-11-15460 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation6710 Le Jeune Rd. $100.00 Violation Description - Sec. 62-156. - Button and other encroachments prohibited. Buttons, pyramids, reflectors and other encroachments are prohibited in the public rights-of-way without written approval from the city commission or city manager. Installing or re-installing ceramic buttons, pyramids, reflectors or other encroachments in the public rights-of-way, after their removal and without prior written approval, shall constitute a code enforcement violation For additional information please refer to Chapter 62, Article IV, Sec. 62-156 TO WIT: Large rocks on right of way prohibited Remedy - Prohibited. Owner/Violator - George T. Pallas Code Enforcement Officer Casimir   Not available Not available
TICK-24-08-17949 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation1195 S ALHAMBRA CIR $500 Violation Description - Sec. 86-3. - Discharging garbage, trash, etc., into waterways. (a)Violations of this section shall be punished as provided in section 1-7.(b)It is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to discharge into the city waterway any garbage, trash, effluvium or any other thing or substance which would obstruct the use of the canal by craft using it or which would make the canal and its banks unsanitary or unsafe. (Code 1958, § 7-8; Code 1991, § 14-64; Code 2006, § 86-3; Ord. No. 591, § 5, 3-1-1949) To Wit - LAWN CREW DISCARDING LAWN DEBRIS INTO CANAL Remedy - Prohibited Owner / Violator - TOM PENNEKAMP Code Enforcement Officer Casimir   Not available Not available
TICK-24-08-17910 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation2940 PONCE DE LEON BLVD $200 Violation Description - Sec. 62-151. - Alleys, swale areas and rights-of-way to be kept clean and mowed. All owners of unimproved property and occupants, or occupants and owners of improved property shall maintain their property in a clean, litter-free and mowed condition, including sidewalks, grass strips, alleys up to and including the median point of the alley, curbs, swale areas, or rights-of-way up to the edge of pavement of any public street. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, mowing the grass and performing general edging, trimming and cleanup activities. Property owners or their designees are prohibited from trimming trees and performing other activities within the city rights-of-way except in accordance with the provisions outlined in section 82-1 and as may otherwise be regulated by this Code. The city may, upon the approval of the city manager, mow selected areas of rights-of-way when doing so is found to serve a public interest. (Code 1958, § 28-37(c); Code 1991, § 22-133; Code 2006, § 62- 131; Ord. No. 2581, § 1, 9-10-1985; O   Not available Not available
TICK-24-07-17801 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation3911 PONCE DE LEON BLVD $2000 Violation Description - Sec. 82-29. - Permits generally. (d)Pruning of trees on private property. Pruning tree limbs ten inches or more in diameter on private property requires a tree permit from the tree preservation agency. Pruning of branches four inches in diameter or greater must be done by a qualified tree trimmer. Pruning of trees may also be done by the property owner with assistance as needed by assisting labor. (Ord. No. 2017-45, § 2(Att. A), 12-5-2017) To Wit - Over-pruning of 4 trees on private property/ per city arborist. Fine is $500.00 per tree. Remedy - Obtain after-the-fact permit for tree pruning: contact PW Greenspace for a mitigation plan and for guidance and information regarding permit process. Owner / Violator - PONCE ENTERPRISES LLC Code Enforcement Officer Vazquez   Not available Not available
TICK-24-05-16958 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation11000 TANYA ST $100 Violation Description - Section 3-413. Boats and boat trailers. Boats and boat trailers may be placed, kept or maintained or permitted to be placed, kept or maintained in any interior side or rear yard only. Parking surfaces for the placement of boats and boat trailers may be improved or unimproved. TO WIT - Boat on trailer in driveway; prohibited. Must remove from driveway and be kept or maintained in any interior side or rear yard only. Remedy - Must remove from driveway and be kept or maintained in any interior side or rear yard only. Owner / Violator - RAFAEL MARINO Code Enforcement Officer Vilato   Not available Not available
TICK-24-05-17442 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation250 COCOPLUM RD $500 Violation Description - Sec. 82-29. - Permits generally. (c)Tree abuse. Tree abuse is prohibited and shall constitute a violation of this section. Any act of tree abuse that renders a tree nonviable or effectively destroyed shall constitute "effective removal" and shall compel the owner to fully comply with the terms of this article as if the tree was removed prior to issuance of a permit. (Ord. No. 2017-45, § 2(Att. A), 12-5-2017) TO WIT: Property cut large diameter 6”+ tree limbs from a black olive on private property without a permit. Must obtain a after the fact permit for cutting private property tree, must submit a certified arborist report as to viability and any prescription needed. Contact Coral Gables Green space for additional requirements. 305-460-5196 Remedy - Must obtain a after the fact permit for cutting private property tree, must submit a certified arborist report as to viability and any prescription needed. Contact Coral Gables Green space for additional requirements. 305-460-5196 Owner / Violator - FRANCISCO PEREZ Code Enforcem   Not available Not available
TICK-24-06-17655 1  Resolution1043 ALHAMBRA CIR $500 Violation Description - Sec. 105-28. - Construction and dredging, at night, on weekend days and holidays. (b)Construction prohibited. Construction (i.e., pile driving operations, demolition, excavations, concrete pours, etc.) is prohibited on weekends and holidays as set forth in this section. No construction, alteration or general repair of any building, structure, or other item for which a permit to construct, alter or repair is required by any ordinance of the city shall be done in the city before the hour of 7:30 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. on any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. No construction work shall be performed on any Saturday before the hour of 9:00 a.m. and after the hour of 5:00 p.m. No exterior construction shall be performed on any Saturday, at any time, in the city's residential zones or within 100 feet of said zones, except:(1)Work being performed by a property owner/resident under an owner-builder permit;(2)Work being performed by a property owner/resident that does not require a permit; and (3)Power/pressure cleaning of side   Not available Not available
TICK-24-07-17787 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation5918 MALL ST $1,500 Violation Description - Sec. 82-29. - Permits generally. (d)Pruning of trees on private property. Pruning tree limbs ten inches or more in diameter on private property requires a tree permit from the tree preservation agency. Pruning of branches four inches in diameter or greater must be done by a qualified tree trimmer. Pruning of trees may also be done by the property owner with assistance as needed by assisting labor. (Ord. No. 2017-45, § 2(Att. A), 12-5-2017) TO WIT: Over pruning of 3 private trees/ per city arborist. fine is /$500 per tree. Remedy - Obtain all necessary after the fact permits as per Chapter 82-29/ communicate with greenspace management regarding over pruning and canopy restoration. Owner / Violator - CYNTHIA D HUDSON TRS CYNTHIA D HUDSON LIV TR Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz   Not available Not available
TICK-24-05-17140 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation1215 PLACETAS AVE $100 Violation Description - Sec. 54-149. - Segregation of recyclable material. (a)All recyclable material, as defined in section 54-86, shall be placed in the household recycling container provided by the city and placed out for collection immediately adjacent to each resident's garbage container.(b)It shall be a violation of this division for any person, firm, or corporation not authorized by the city manager to collect or remove any recyclable material specifically placed for collection in the recycling program as provided for herein. (Code 1991, § 21-54; Code 2006, § 54-156; Ord. No. 3033, § 1, 7 -20-1993 TO WIT: Cardboard placed on city right of way in trash pit for pick up. Remedy - Prohibited Owner / Violator- SCOTT SIME &W BELINDA SIME Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz   Not available Not available
TICK-24-05-17413 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation505 TIBIDABO AVE $100 Violation Description - Sec. 54-149. - Segregation of recyclable material. (a)All recyclable material, as defined in section 54-86, shall be placed in the household recycling container provided by the city and placed out for collection immediately adjacent to each resident's garbage container.(b)It shall be a violation of this division for any person, firm, or corporation not authorized by the city manager to collect or remove any recyclable material specifically placed for collection in the recycling program as provided for herein. (Code 1991, § 21-54; Code 2006, § 54-156; Ord. No. 3033, § 1, 7-20-1993) TO WIT - TO WIT - Cardboard placed in trash pit, on swale for pick up Remedy - Prohibited Owner / Violator - IVETTE MURAI &H ARNALDO PANIAGUA Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz   Not available Not available
TICK-24-05-17378 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation1252 S ALHAMBRA CIR $500 Violation Description - Sec. 82-29. - Permits generally. (a)Required. No person shall, unless otherwise permitted by the terms of this article, directly or indirectly modify, cut down, destroy, remove or move, or effectively destroy through damaging, or authorize the modifying, cutting down, destroying, removing, moving or damaging of any tree without first obtaining a permit under this article. No city official shall issue a permit provided for herein in violation of the requirements of this article. (Ord. No. 2017-45, § 2(Att. A), 12-5-2017) TO WIT: Tree removal on private property with required approval/permit. Must contact Greenspace Management for canopy restoration. Remedy - Must contact Greenspace Management for canopy restoration. Owner / Violator - THE RIVIERA ISLES LLC PERKINS PROPERTIES Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz   Not available Not available