| 1 | A.-1. | | Presentation/Protocol Document | Presentation of a Proclamation declaring July 10, 2019 as "Gym Kidz Gymnastics Day" in Coral Gables. | | |
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| 1 | A.-2. | | Presentation/Protocol Document | Presentation of a Certificate of Commendation to Zoe Diederich. | | |
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| 1 | A.-3. | Green Business Recognition-I Know Science | Presentation/Protocol Document | Presentation of the first Coral Gables Green Business Certification to I Know Science Toy Store and Sci-lab. | | |
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| 1 | A.-4. | | Presentation/Protocol Document | Presentation of a Proclamation declaring July 2019 as "Parks and Recreation Month" in Coral Gables. | | |
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| 1 | A.-5. | Florida Worksite Wellness Awards | Presentation/Protocol Document | The City of Coral Gables was nominated for two Wellness awards in May. The Florida Worksite Wellness Awards which took place on Friday May 3, 2019, and the City received an honorable mention and a Certificate of Accomplishment. The Healthiest Employers in South Florida were awarded on May 30, 2019. The City of Coral Gables was a winner amongst the top 10 award recipients. Congratulations to all employees who continue to strive for personal health, wellness and mindfulness and a special thanks to our wellness champions who are key in keeping our employees motivated to continue with these efforts. | | |
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| 1 | A.-6. | | Presentation/Protocol Document | Congratulations to the Finance Department represented by Keith R. Kleiman, Assistant Finance Director for Management, Budget, and Compliance, recipient of the Government Finance Officers Association’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for Fiscal Year 2018-2019. | | |
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| 4 | A.-7. | | Presentation/Protocol Document | Congratulations to Sergeant Bo Williams, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Officer of the Month Award,” for the month of May 2019. | | |
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| 1 | A.-8. | 20 Year Service Pin - Hannibal Thompson | Presentation/Protocol Document | Presentation of twenty year service pin to Hannibal C.W. Thompson, Public Works Department, Landscape Services. | | |
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| 1 | A.-9. | 30 Year Service Pin - Elsa De Bruzos Fuentes | Presentation/Protocol Document | Presentation of thirty year service pin to Elsa B. De Bruzos Fuentes, Finance Department. | | |
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| 1 | A.-10. | | Presentation/Protocol Document | Presentation of Proclamation declaring July 9, 2019 as "Dr. Eduardo J. Padron Day" in Coral Gables. | | |
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| 1 | A.-11. | | Presentation/Protocol Document | Presentation of Information Technology Department recent recognition and awards from organizations such as ASQ, NIST, IEEE, CDG and IISE. | | |
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| 1 | B.-1. | | Agenda Item | Regular City Commission Meeting of May 28, 2019. | | |
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| 1 | B.-2. | | Agenda Item | Regular City Commission Meeting of June 11, 2019. | | |
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| 1 | C.-1. | | Agenda Item | A presentation of the Coral Gables Museum Art Basel 2019 Program. | | |
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| 1 | C.-2. | | Agenda Item | A discussion regarding innovative recycling as done in Santa Tecla, El Salvador. | | |
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| 1 | D.-1. | | Resolution | A Resolution appointing Myra Silverstein (Nominated by City Manager Iglesias) to serve as a member of the Library Advisory Board, for a two (2) year term which began on June 1, 2019 and continues through May 31, 2021. | | |
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| 1 | D.-2. | | Resolution | A Resolution appointing Peter Wood (Nominated by City Manager Iglesias) to serve as a member of the Transportation Advisory Board, for a two (2) year term which began on June 1, 2019 and continues through May 31, 2021. | | |
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| 1 | D.-3. | | Resolution | A Resolution confirming the re-appointment of Rafael Gavarrete to serve as a member of the International Affairs Coordinating Council (Appointed by the Board-As-A-Whole) for a two (2) year term which began on June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2021. | | |
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| 1 | D.-4. | | Resolution | A Resolution re-appointing Nancy Leslie (Nominated by Commissioner Fors) to serve as a member of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, for a two (2) year term which began on June 1, 2019 and continues through May 31, 2021. | | |
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| 1 | D.-5. | | Resolution | A Resolution authorizing Satchmo Blues Bar and Grill, Inc. to sell alcoholic beverages at the Plaza located at 60 Merrick Way from Thursday, October 3, 2019, through Sunday, October 6, 2019 and Thursday, October 10, 2019 through Sunday, October 13, 2019, during the OKTOBERFEST Event, subject to Florida Department of Professional Regulation Requirements. | | |
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| 1 | D.-6. | | Resolution | A Resolution re-appointing Bernice Roth (Nominated by City Manager Iglesias) to serve as a member of the Cultural Development Board, for a two (2) year term which began on June 1, 2019 and continues through May 31, 2021. | | |
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| 1 | D.-7. | Resolution - Reappointment of Robert Behar to PZB | Resolution | A Resolution confirming the re-appointment of Robert Behar to serve as a member of the Planning and Zoning Board (Appointed by the Board-As-A-Whole) for a two (2) year term, which began on June 1, 2019 through May 31, 2021.
(06 12 19 PZB recommended approval, Vote 6-0) | | |
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| 1 | D.-8. | | Resolution | A Resolution appointing Carter Meader Sox (Nominated by City Manager Iglesias) to serve as a member of the Coral Gables Retirement Board - General Employees, for a two (2) year term which began on June 1, 2019 and continues through May 31, 2021. | | |
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| 1 | D.-9. | | Resolution | A Resolution appointing Richard Montes de Oca (Nominated by Commissioner Fors) to serve as a member of the Emergency Management Division, for a two (2) year term which began on June 1, 2019 and continues through May 31, 2021. | | |
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| 1 | D.-10. | | Resolution | A Resolution of the City Commission approving an interlocal agreement between the City and Miami-Dade County for the use of the Metrorail South Corridor for construction of two driveways and installation of a force main and electrical service for Fire Station 2/Trolley building. | | |
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| 1 | 1.-1. | | Minutes | Advisory Board on Disability Affairs Meeting of May 1, 2019. | | |
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| 1 | 1.-2. | | Minutes | Budget/Audit Advisory Board Meeting of June 5, 2019. | | |
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| 1 | 1.-3. | | Minutes | Communications Committee Meeting of June 12, 2019. | | |
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| 1 | 1.-4. | | Minutes | International Affairs Coordinating Council Meeting of May 29, 2019. | | |
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| 1 | 1.-5. | PAB Minutes 05232019 | Minutes | Parking Advisory Board Meeting of May 23, 2019. | | |
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| 1 | 1.-6. | | Minutes | Waterways Advisory Board Meeting of May 1, 2019. | | |
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| 2 | 2.-1. | AiPP PSB Public Art Depena | Resolution | A Resolution approving artist Ivan Toth Depeña to design public artwork in conjunction with the new Public Safety Building project. (unanimously recommended by the Public Safety Building Public Art Selection Panel approval/denial vote: 10 to 0, and the Cultural Development Board approval/denial vote: 6 to 0). | | |
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| 1 | E.-1. | | Agenda Item | Personal Appearance by Miami-Dade Property Appraiser, Pedro Garcia.
(Sponsored by Vice Mayor Lago) | | |
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| 1 | F.-1. | | Ordinance | An Ordinance amending Chapter 46 of the "Code of the City of Coral Gables," entitled "Pensions;" amending Section 46-25, entitled "Definitions", to revise the definitions of Average Final Compensation and Normal Retirement Date for firefighters; amending Section 46-253, entitled "Normal Retirement Income", to revise the Normal Retirement Income for certain firefighters; and providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (The sole purpose of this Ordinance is to incorporate the pension changes agreed upon in the 2017-2020 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City and IAFF). | | |
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| 1 | F.-2. | | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Coral Gables, Florida amending the City of Coral Gables Code by creating Section 18-9 “Campaign Finance Reports” relating to the electronic filing of campaign finance reports with the City Clerk; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. | | |
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| 1 | F.-3. | | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, amending Chapter 74, "Traffic and Vehicles” of the City of Coral Gables Code to provide additional definitions and prohibit privately-owned, metered surface parking lot operators from issuing parking violations to motor vehicles parked in said privately-owned, metered surface parking lots, and Chapter 1, "General Provisions", Section 1-7 entitled “Penalties” to include additional penalties for violations of Chapter 74; providing for repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date.
(Sponsored by Vice Mayor Lago)
(Sponsored by Commissioner Mena) | | |
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| 1 | F.-4. | Ordinance - Amend. to CG & UM Development Agree. re sale of alcoholic beverages | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida amending the City of Coral Gables and University of Miami Development Agreement, adopted by Ordinance No. 2010-31 on September 28, 2010, pursuant to Zoning Code Article 3, Division 20, entitled “Development Agreements,” for the University of Miami, City of Coral Gables Campus, amending Article 17, “Bank United Center” to allow for the sale of alcoholic beverages; providing for repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (UM Development Agreement - Amendment) (06 12 19 PZB recommended approval, Vote 7-0) | | |
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| 1 | F.-5. | | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Coral Gables, Florida amending the City of Coral Gables Code Chapter 6, “Alcoholic Beverages,” Section 6-4, "Administrative Review by City Manager with approval by City Commission for retail beverage and retail liquor store licenses issued to non-restaurant facilities,” providing exception for large permanent seat event spaces, or venue facilities; providing for repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. | | |
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| 1 | F.-6. | | Ordinance | An Ordinance of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, amending the “Cocoplum Phase I” Security Guard District, as created by Miami-Dade County pursuant to County Ordinance 95-214, to allow for 24-Hour Security Services, and providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. | | |
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| 1 | F.-7. | | Resolution | A Resolution of the City Commission to allow release of Restrictive Covenants and Encroachment Agreements for lots 1-21 of Block 3, Revised Plat of Coral Gables Industrial Section, as recorded in Plat Book 28, Page 22 of the public records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. | | |
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| 1 | G.-1. | | Agenda Item | A discussion and presentation by Kelly Cox, Program Director from Miami Waterkeeper, on the use of Glyphosate-based herbicides and fertilizers on urban landscapes.
(Sponsored by Commissioner Keon) | | |
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| 1 | G.-2 | | Agenda Item | A discussion regarding how the City can assist with obtaining a proposed plan and estimate from the Miami-Dade School Board for renovations to Coral Gables High School, including remarks from Samuel Joseph, Chair of the City’s School and Community Relations Committee.
(Sponsored by Commissioner Fors, Jr.) | | |
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| 1 | G.-3. | | Resolution | A Resolution amending Resolution No. 2015-272, increasing the Arts Advisory Panel membership from seven to nine members and setting forth membership requirements for the two new members.
(Sponsored by Mayor Valdes-Fauli) | | |
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| 1 | G.-4. | | Resolution | A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, directing the City Clerk and City Manager to set certain City Commission Meetings to begin after 5:00pm, and directing the City Clerk and City Manager to set matters of great public importance to be heard after 5:00pm.
(Sponsored by Vice Mayor Lago) | | |
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| 1 | G.-5. | | Resolution | A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, encouraging the Florida Public Service Commission to set meaningful, impactful, and ambitious Energy Efficiency Goals.
(Sponsored by Vice Mayor Lago) | | |
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| 1 | G.-6. | | Agenda Item | A discussion regarding the City's waterways.
(Sponsored by Vice Mayor Lago) | | |
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| 1 | G.-7. | | Agenda Item | Update on plans to improve Code Enforcement.
(Sponsored by Commissioner Mena) | | |
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| 1 | G.-8. | | Agenda Item | Status update from Staff regarding the Monegro Project.
(Sponsored by Vice Mayor Lago) | | |
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| 1 | G.-9. | | Agenda Item | A discussion regarding Information Security.
(Sponsored by Commissioner Mena) | | |
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| 1 | G.-10. | | Agenda Item | A discussion regarding the City’s use and management of social media accounts and the Zencity platform, including a discussion regarding the necessity of a staff member dedicated to managing both.
(Sponsored by Commissioner Fors) | | |
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| 1 | G.-11. | | Agenda Item | An update from staff regarding existing restrictive covenants that hold property owners responsible for the maintenance of surrounding areas.
(Sponsored by Vice Mayor Lago) | | |
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| 1 | G.-12. | | Agenda Item | A discussion item regarding the clarification on the terms for the restoration and rental of the Fink Studio.
(Sponsored by Commissioner Keon) | | |
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| 1 | G.-13. | | Agenda Item | An update regarding the 760 Ponce De Leon Settlement Agreement.
(Sponsored by Commissioner Mena) | | |
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| 1 | G.-14. | | Agenda Item | A discussion regarding outdoor seating at Wolfe’s Wine Shoppe.
(Sponsored by Vice Mayor Lago) | | |
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| 1 | I.-1. | | Resolution | A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, relating to security services assessments within the Cocoplum Phase I Security Guard Special Taxing District; estimating the cost of the security services to be assessed for the Fiscal Year commencing October 1, 2019; directing the City Manager to prepare an updated Security Services Assessment Roll; establishing a public hearing and directing the provision of notice in connection thereof; providing for a severability clause; and providing for an effective date. | | |
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| 1 | I.-2. | | Resolution | A Resolution of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, accepting the recommendation of the Sustainability Advisory Board to submit an application on behalf of the City of Coral Gables to become a “Keep America Beautiful, Inc.” affiliate. | | |
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| 1 | I.-3. | | Resolution | A Resolution amending Ordinance No. 2015-17, as amended, Resolution 2016-148, as amended, Resolution 2017-167, as amended, and Resolution 2018-219, as amended to adjust the Storm Water Fee, providing for a severability clause, and providing for an effective date. | | |
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| 1 | I.-4. | | Resolution | A Resolution authorizing an expenditure in the amount of $1,100,000 from Federal Forfeited Asset Fund (F.A.F.) monies for law enforcement equipment; the acquisition of a mobile command post vehicle for utilization by the Coral Gables Police Department. | | |
Not available
| 1 | I.-5. | | Resolution | A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Coral Gables, Florida authorizing entering into the Third Amendment and Extension to Lease Agreement with New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC with regards to City-owned property located at 11911 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, Florida. | | |
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| 1 | I.-6. | | Presentation/Protocol Document | A GIS Web Map presentation regading Restrictive Covenants, Encroachments, and Other Property Information. | | |
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| 1 | I.-7. | | Resolution | A Resolution of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, authorizing the City Manager to enter into two lease amendments with the Palace Management Group, LLC, with regard to City-owned property at 1 and 2 Andalusia Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida; and providing for a severability clause, repealer provision, and providing for an effective date. | | |
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| 1 | J.-1. | | Agenda Item | Request for Executive Session (if any). | | |
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