City of Coral Gables

Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Code Enforcement Ticket Hearing Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/5/2025 9:00 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: 427 Biltmore Way, First Floor Conference Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
TICK-24-11-18565 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation1535 VENETIA AVE $500 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION - Sec. 105-314. - Plumbing fixtures connected to sewer lines. All plumbing fixtures installed within a structure used for human habitation shall be connected to sewer lines that discharge into a public sewerage system or other approved means of disposal. Private sewerage systems shall be connected and repairs or additions made in accordance with the applicable regulations of the city. (Code 1958, § 16A-42; Code 1991, § 12-146; Code 2006, § 105- 243; Ord. No. 1142, § 5.4, 7-14-1959) TO WIT - Sewage discharge from plumbing cleanout. Must clean, maintain, and secure cleanout to ensure sewage does not leak. If violation is not corrected by 11/8/24, ticket becomes daily running fine of $500 per day. REMEDY - Must clean, maintain, and secure cleanout to ensure sewage does not leak. OWNER / VIOLATOR - MARIE FERNANDEZ CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER SELVA CASTILLO   Not available Not available
TICK-24-12-18737 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation417 BARBAROSSA AVE $500 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION - Sec. 54-147. - Prohibited disposition of trash, clean yard waste, refuse and wastes. (a)It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit or directly or indirectly cause to be deposited, household refuse, clean yard waste, garbage, land-clearing debris, white goods, noncombustible refuse or industrial wastes upon any lot or premises, whether vacant or improved, occupied or unoccupied or upon any other lot or premises, or street, plaza, alley, park, parkway, center parkway or in any canal, waterway, lake or pool within the city, if said materials were generated outside of the city or other than as provided elsewhere in this division. Violation of this section shall be subject to the remedies herein provided and, where applicable, the remedies provided in F.S. ch. 403, including F.S. § 403.413.(b)Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of an offense, and upon conviction, shall be punished as provided in section 1-7; (Code 1991, § 21-52; Code 2006, § 54-154; Ord. No. 3033, § 1, 7-20-1993; Ord. No. O-2004-12, §   Not available Not available
TICK-25-01-18949 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation2420 GRANADA BLVD $500 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION - Sec. 54-22. - Waste liquid or refuse upon public ways. It shall be unlawful to permit wastewater, oil, grease or other waste liquids to drain from any premises upon and across, or to permit or cause waste matter or refuse of any nature whatsoever to rest or accumulate upon the sidewalks, streets or other public ways of the city, except in receptacles approved by the city manager. Receptacles shall be approved by the manager that comply with all laws and ordinances, and that effectively contain the liquid, and for which an agreement has been entered into by the city and the person placing the materials in the receptacles to indemnify for any damages resulting from such actions. (Code 1958, § 28-7; Code 1991, § 16-98; Code 2006, § 52-21; Ord. No. 398, § 1, 4-22-1941) TO WIT - Waste liquid discharge onto to Right of Way. Leaking cleanout onto sidewalk. Daily running fine until compliance is achieved. REMEDY - Prohibited OWNER / VIOLATOR - KEVIN SIMMONS CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER LUZARRAGA   Not available Not available
TICK-25-01-18848 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation1310 S GREENWAY DR $100 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION - Sec. 54-149. - Segregation of recyclable material. (a)All recyclable material, as defined in section 54-86, shall be placed in the household recycling container provided by the city and placed out for collection immediately adjacent to each resident's garbage container.(b)It shall be a violation of this division for any person, firm, or corporation not authorized by the city manager to collect or remove any recyclable material specifically placed for collection in the recycling program as provided for herein. (Code 1991, § 21-54; Code 2006, § 54-156; Ord. No. 3033, § 1, 7 -20-1993) TO WIT - Cardboard in trash pit. Place recyclables in approved container. REMEDY - Place recyclables in approved container. OWNER / VIOLATOR - FRANCISCO GONZALEZ CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER LUZARRAGA   Not available Not available
TICK-25-01-18809 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation625 BIRD RD $100 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION - Sec. 54-149. - Segregation of recyclable material. (a)All recyclable material, as defined in section 54-86, shall be placed in the household recycling container provided by the city and placed out for collection immediately adjacent to each resident's garbage container.(b)It shall be a violation of this division for any person, firm, or corporation not authorized by the city manager to collect or remove any recyclable material specifically placed for collection in the recycling program as provided for herein. (Code 1991, § 21-54; Code 2006, § 54-156; Ord. No. 3033, § 1, 7 -20-1993) TO WIT - Cardboard boxes in swale. REMEDY - Prohibited OWNER / VIOLATOR - MAREAS 2750 LLC CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER LUZARRAGA   Not available Not available
TICK-23-07-14167 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation3930 ALHAMBRA CIR $100 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION - Sec. 54-149. - Segregation of recyclable material. (a)All recyclable material, as defined in section 54-86, shall be placed in the household recycling container provided by the city and placed out for collection immediately adjacent to each resident's garbage container.(b)It shall be a violation of this division for any person, firm, or corporation not authorized by the city manager to collect or remove any recyclable material specifically placed for collection in the recycling program as provided for herein. (Code 1991, § 21-54; Code 2006, § 54-156; Ord. No. 3033, § 1, 7-20-1993) TO WIT - Cardboard boxes in trash pit; Prohibited. Must remove cardboard, flatten, and place with recycling next to home. REMEDY - Place all recyclables on private property with recycling containers. VIOLATOR / OWNER - ELIZABETH FERRERA PAOLI CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER VILATO   Not available Not available
TICK-23-07-14175 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation3930 ALHAMBRA CIR $500 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION - Chapter 62, ARTICLE IV, Sec. 62-153. - Removal of obstructions (section C). TO WIT - Construction debris with nails in trash pit; life safety. Tile, paint buckets, wooden doors. All items must be removed and disposed of properly. REMEDY - All items must be removed and disposed of properly. OWNER / VIOLATOR - ELIZABETH FERRERA PAOLI CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER VILATO   Not available Not available
TICK-24-12-18738 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation14401 SW 67 AVE $200 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION - Sec. 34-55. - Prohibitions. It shall be unlawful for any owner of any lot, parcel or tract of land within the city to permit weeds, grass or undergrowth to grow thereon to a height of 12 inches or more from the ground; or to permit rubbish, trash, debris, dead trees or other unsightly or unsanitary matter to remain thereon; or to permit the existence of depressions or excavations or any other condition on such premises wherein water may accumulate and stand in such manner or fashion as to make possible the propagation of mosquitoes therein. Violations of this section are punishable as provided in section 1-7. (Code 1958, § 15-27; Code 1991, § 16-26; Code 2006, § 34-21; Ord. No. 2442, § 1, 1-11-1983) TO WIT - Overgrown grass and dead vegetation throughout property. Dead vegetation on city right of way. REMEDY - Prohibited OWNER / VIOLATOR - DONALD MACKO CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER VILATO   Not available Not available
TICK-25-01-18803 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation512 GIRALDA AVE $200 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION - Sec. 34-55. - Prohibitions. It shall be unlawful for any owner of any lot, parcel or tract of land within the city to permit weeds, grass or undergrowth to grow thereon to a height of 12 inches or more from the ground; or to permit rubbish, trash, debris, dead trees or other unsightly or unsanitary matter to remain thereon; or to permit the existence of depressions or excavations or any other condition on such premises wherein water may accumulate and stand in such manner or fashion as to make possible the propagation of mosquitoes therein. Violations of this section are punishable as provided in section 1-7.(Code 1958, § 15-27; Code 1991, § 16-26; Code 2006, § 34-21; Ord. No. 2442, § 1, 1-11-1983) TO WIT - Overgrown Lot. Must mow and clear overgrown grass to under 12 inches. Property shall be maintained at all times. REMEDY - Must mow and clear overgrown grass to under 12 inches. OWNER / VIOLATOR - ANDRES CURBELO LAUREN CURBELO CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER - YOUNG   Not available Not available
TICK-24-02-16094 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation264 MIRACLE MILE $500 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION - Sec. 62-153. - Removal of obstructions(b). (b)Written notice shall be given to the owner of the abutting property to remove any tree, shrub, or other obstruction upon any street, sidewalk, or swale area within the city. If the owner of the abutting property fails to comply with such removal of trees, shrubbery, or obstruction within ten days of receipt of the written notice, the city shall then perform the necessary removal operations and shall assess the cost of said removal against the property. Such assessment, if not paid, shall become a lien against the property. (Code 1958, § 28-37(e); Code 1991, § 22-135; Code 2006, § 62- 133; Ord. No. 2581, § 1, 9-10-1985; Ord. No. 2608, § 1, 11-26- 1985; Ord. No. 2736, § 1, 10-27-1987; Ord. No. 2782, § 1, 5-24- 1988) TO WIT - Obstruction on the right of way. Must immediately remove structure for menu display from the right of way. If the owner of the abutting property fails to comply with such removal of trees, shrubbery, or obstruction within ten days of receipt of the written notice, t   Not available Not available
TICK-24-06-17670 1  Code Enforcement Board Violation544 ZAMORA AVE $1000 VIOLATION DESCRIPTION - Sec. 82-29. - Permits generally. (d)Pruning of trees on private property. Pruning tree limbs ten inches or more in diameter on private property requires a tree permit from the tree preservation agency. Pruning of branches four inches in diameter or greater must be done by a qualified tree trimmer. Pruning of trees may also be done by the property owner with assistance as needed by assisting labor. (Ord. No. 2017-45, § 2(Att. A), 12-5-2017) TO WIT - Two trees on private property (in front/on the side) overly pruned. Verified by City Greenspace Department. REMEDY - Prohibited OWNER / VIOLATOR - MARK D SOLOV CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER YOUNG   Not available Not available