City of Coral Gables

Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 1/10/2017 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Commission Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
16-5692 1A.-1. Presentation/Protocol DocumentSpecial welcome to Florida State Senator Jose Javier Rodriguez to the City of Coral Gables.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-5655 1A.-2. Presentation/Protocol DocumentRecognition of the Coral Gables Parks and Recreation Department receiving “Accreditation Status” from the National Recreation and Parks Association, awarded on October 4, 2016 in St. Louis, Missouri.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-5648 1A.-3. Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Officer Kevin Kelley, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Officer of the Month Award," for the month of November 2016.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-5658 1A.-4.January 2017 Firefighter of the Month AwardPresentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Lt. Andrew Fletcher, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Firefighter of the Month Award,” for the month of January 2017.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-5659 1A.-5. Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Rayza Collazo who holds the title of Information Technology Specialist, recipient of the "Employee of the Month Award," for the month of January, 2017.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
16-5687 1B.-1. MinutesRegular City Commission Meeting of December 6, 2016.approvedPass Action details Video Video
16-5613 1C.-1. ResolutionA Resolution authorizing "Bike Walk Coral Gables" to sell alcoholic beverages as part of "Gables Bike Day" at Merrick Park on Sunday, March 12, 2017 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., subject to Florida Department of Professional Regulation requirements.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-5614 2C.-2. ResolutionA Resolution authorizing Fetes and Events to sell alcoholic beverages on Catalonia Avenue between Ponce De Leon Blvd. and Salzedo Street on Sunday, February 12, 2017, from 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., during the "Gables Chili Fest" event, to benefit the Knights of Columbus, as well as the United Way Mission, subject to Florida Department of Professional Regulation Requirements.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-5651 1C.-4FAF - FY17 Explorer Post #594ResolutionA Resolution authorizing an expenditure in the amount of $7,448 from State Forfeited Asset Fund (F.A.F.) monies, to support the 2016/2017 Fiscal Year operations of the Police Explorer Post # 594 program, conducted by the Coral Gables Police Department Youth Resource Unit.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-5654 1C.-6.UM Campus Art Master PlanResolutionA Resolution approving the University of Miami Campus Art Master Plan report in accordance with the requirements of the Art in Public Places Ordinance, Zoning Code Article 3, Division 21.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-5640 1C.-9. ResolutionA Resolution of the City of Coral Gables City Commission, with attachments, accepting the City Clerk’s Certification and Declaration of Results from the Coral Gables Retirement Board Election, which was held from December 6th, 2016 through December 9th, 2016; said election which confirmed the election of Carlos E. Fleites to the Participating Regular Full-time Employee seat for a term of two years, which began on January 1, 2017 and continues through December 31, 2018; and the re-election of Troy Easley who ran unopposed for the participating firefighter seat for a term of two years, which also began on January 1, 2017 and continues through December 31, 2018.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-5668 1C.-10. ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the execution of an agreement for sewer connection for property located outside the City’s sewer district at 10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, Florida to the City of Coral Gables wastewater collection / transmission system, subject to the requirements of the Public Works Department, as provided under Chapters 62 and 78 of the City Code, Ordinance No. 2007-29 and 2009-39 and Resolution No. 2008-07; and provided that the executed agreement be made part of this resolution.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-5663 1C.-11. ResolutionA Resolution appointing Bertram Goldsmith (Nominated by Vice Mayor Quesada) to serve as a member of the Waterway Advisory Board for the remainder of a two (2) year term, which began on June 1, 2015 and continues through May 31, 2017.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-5656 11.-1. MinutesBudget/Audit Advisory Board meeting of November 9, 2016approvedPass Action details Not available
16-5638 11.-2. MinutesCity of Coral Gables/University of Miami Community Relations Committee Meeting of October 24, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-5639 11.-3. MinutesConstruction Regulation Board Meeting of December 12, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-5669 11.-4.SAB meeting minutes 10-26-16MinutesCoral Gables Advisory Board on Sustainability Meeting of October 26, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-5670 11.-5.SAB minutes of 11-16-16MinutesCoral Gables Advisory Board on Sustainability Meeting of November 16, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-5652 11.-6.CDB Minutes 11.01.16MinutesCultural Development Board Meeting of November 01, 2016.approvedPass Action details Video Video
16-5609 11.-7. MinutesEconomic Development and Property Advisory Special Joint Board Meeting of October 12, 2016.approved  Action details Not available
16-5610 11.-8. MinutesEconomic Development Board Meeting of November 2, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-5660 11.-9. MinutesEconomic Development Board Meeting of December 7, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-5649 11.-10.HPB Minutes11.10.16MinutesHistoric Preservation Board Meeting of November 10, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-5617 11.-11. MinutesLandscape Beautification Advisory Board Meeting of December 1, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-5661 11.-12. MinutesProperty Advisory Board Meeting of December 14, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-5693 11.-13. MinutesProperty Advisory Board Meeting of January 4, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
16-5650 1C.-3.FAF - FY17 D.A.R.E.ResolutionA Resolution authorizing an expenditure in the amount of $1,975 from previously encumbered State Forfeited Asset Fund (F.A.F.) monies, to support the 2016/2017 Fiscal Year operations of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program, conducted by the Coral Gables Police Department Youth Resource Unit.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
16-5653 1C.-5.Cultural Development Grant Funding FY 2016-2017ResolutionA Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2016-2017 Cultural Grants.Deferred  Action details Video Video
16-5662 1C.-7. ResolutionA Resolution authorizing the Coral Gables Community Foundation to use forty-two parking spaces during the annual "Tour of Kitchens" Fundraiser on Saturday, February 4, 2017 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm and waiving the parking fees for use of said spaces. (Requested by Vice Mayor Quesada)adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
16-5665 1C.-8.Trolley Service Hour ExtensionResolutionA Resolution authorizing City Staff to implement an expansion of Trolley service hours to include service on Holidays including: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Eve.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
17-5803 1Non Agenda ResolutionA Resolution appointing Toni A. Rivas (Nominated by Mayor Cason) to serve as a member of the Budget/Audit Advisory Board, for the remainder of a two (2) year term, which began on June 1, 2015 and continues through May 31, 2017.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
17-5804 1  ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission to continue Agenda Items E-1, E-2 and E-7.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
16-5574 1E.-1.Ordinance - Comp. Plan Map Amend. re 33 AlhambraOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use Map of the City of Coral Gables Comprehensive Plan pursuant to Zoning Code Article 3, entitled “Development Review”, Division 15, “Comprehensive Plan Text and Map Amendments”, and Small Scale amendment procedures (ss. 163.3187, Florida Statutes), from “Residential Multi-Family Medium Density” to “Commercial Mid-Rise Intensity,” for the property legally described as all of Block 15, Coral Gables Section “L” (20 and 42 Navarre Avenue, 33, 43 and 47 Alhambra Circle and 2001 Galiano Street), Coral Gables, Florida; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, and providing for an effective date. (10 19 16 PZB/LPA Review made no recommendation, Vote 3-Yes and 1-No)Continued  Action details Video Video
16-5575 1E.-2.Ordinance - Zoning Code Map Amend. re 33 AlhambraOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida requesting a change of zoning pursuant to Zoning Code Article 3, entitled “Development Review”, Division 14, “Zoning Code Text and Map Amendments”, from Multi-Family 2 District (MF2) to Commercial District (C), for the property legally described as all of Block 15, Coral Gables Section “L” (20 and 42 Navarre Avenue, 33, 43 and 47 Alhambra Circle and 2001 Galiano Street), Coral Gables, Florida; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, and providing for an effective date. (10 19 16 PZB made no recommendation, Vote 3-Yes and 1-No)Continued  Action details Video Video
16-5570 1E.-3.Ordinance - ZC Text Amend. re Drive-Through FacilitiesOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida providing for a text amendment to the City of Coral Gables Official Zoning Code by amending Article 4, “Zoning Districts,” Division 3, “Nonresidential Districts,” Section 4-302, “Commercial District;” and, Article 5, “Development Standards,” Division 1, “Accessory Uses,” Section 5-115, “Drive-throughs, walk-up windows, and automated teller machines (ATM)” requiring conditional use review for drive through facilities; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (11 09 16 PZB recommended approval, Vote: 6-0)adopted by Ordinance NumberPass Action details Video Video
16-5551 1E.-4. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, amending Section 105-26 of the City of Coral Gables Code to prohibit certain exterior construction on Saturdays (Along with Sundays and Holidays) in residential zones or within 100 feet of residential zones, providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, enforceability and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Commissioner Lago)adopted by Ordinance NumberPass Action details Video Video
16-5664 2E.-5.Ordinance - ZC Text Amend. re 515 ValenciaOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida providing for a text amendment to the City of Coral Gables Official Zoning Code, Appendix A, “Site Specific Zoning Regulations”, Section A-12, “Biltmore Section” adding site specific provisions increasing the maximum permitted floor area ratio for the property legally described as Lots 24-38, Block 7, Biltmore Section; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (12 14 16 PZB recommended approval, Vote 6-0)approved as an Ordinance on First ReadingPass Action details Not available
16-5666 1E.-6.Ordinance - Planned Area Development re 515 ValenciaOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida requesting review of a Planned Area Development (PAD) pursuant to Zoning Code Article 3, “Development Review,” Division 5, “Planned Area Development (PAD),” for the proposed project referred to as “515 Valencia” on the property legally described as Lots 24-38, Block 7, Biltmore Section (501 - 525 Valencia Avenue), Coral Gables, Florida; including required conditions; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, and providing for an effective date. (12 14 16 PZB recommended approval with conditions, Vote 6-0)approved as an Ordinance on First Reading as AmendedPass Action details Not available
16-5577 1E.-7.Resolution - Mixed Use Site Plan Review re 33 AlhambraResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida requesting mixed use site plan conditional use review pursuant to Zoning Code Article 4, entitled “Zoning Districts”, Division 2, “Overlay and Special Purpose Districts”, Section 4-201, entitled “Mixed Use District (MXD)”, for the mixed use project referred to as “33 Alhambra” on the property legally described as all of Block 15, Coral Gables Section “L” (20 and 42 Navarre Avenue, 33, 43 and 47 Alhambra Circle and 2001 Galiano Street), Coral Gables, Florida; including required conditions; providing for an effective date. (10 19 16 PZB made no recommendation, Vote 3-Yes and 1-No)Continued  Action details Video Video
16-5694 1H.-1. ResolutionRequest for authorization to proceed with an Ordinance regarding land exchange with Codina Partners, LLC relating to the Public Safety Building.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
16-5641 1I.-1. Agenda ItemRequest for an Executive Session (if any).   Action details Not available