City of Coral Gables

Meeting Name: City Commission Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 6/13/2017 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Hall, Commission Chambers
Pre-meeting presentations will be held in the City Hall Courtyard at 8:30am.
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
17-6169 1A.-1. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of a Proclamation declaring June 13, 2017 as "Craig Curry Day" in Coral Gables.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6188 1A.-2. Presentation/Protocol DocumentThe City of Coral Gables, in concert with the Coral Gables Community Foundation, honor Café Demetrio and Maroosh with the Coral Cube Award, as enduring Coral Gables restaurants which have become landmarks in their own respect.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6170 1A.-3. Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to the Finance Department represented by Keith R. Kleiman, Management & Budget Director, recipient of the Government Finance Officers Association’s Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for Fiscal Year 2016-2017.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6158 1A.-4.May 2017 "Firefighter of the Month Award"Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Firefighter Gabriel Arteaga, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Firefighter of the Month Award,” for the month of May 2017.Presented and Filed  Action details Not available
17-6172 1A.-5. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of twenty year service pin to Arnold Mohamed, Public Works/Sanitation.Deferred  Action details Not available
17-6173 1A.-6. Presentation/Protocol DocumentPresentation of twenty year service pin to Warren Millings, Parking/Maintenance.Deferred  Action details Not available
17-6147 1A.-7. Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Carlos Gutierrez who holds the title Parking Enforcement Supervisor, recipient of the "Employee of the Month Award," for the month of April, 2017.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6146 1A.-8. Presentation/Protocol DocumentCongratulations to Ernesto Bermudez who holds the title Plans Coordinator Assistant, recipient of the "Employee of the Month Award," for the month of June, 2017.Presented and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6184 1B.-1. MinutesRegular City Commission Meeting of May 9, 2017.Deferred  Action details Not available
17-6130 1C.-1. Agenda ItemPresentation on Police Recruitment, Hiring Process, and Crime Report Update.Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6161 1C.-2. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission of Coral Gables in support of the Paris Climate Accord and reaffirming the City’s commitment to the U.S. Mayors’ National Climate Action Agenda. (Sponsored by Mayor Valdes-Fauli)adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
17-6164 1C.-3. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Coral Gables, reaffirming its opposition to the Federal Legislation, allowing for the potential increase in Truck Weights or Lengths operating on Federal, State, County and Local Roadways within the State of Florida. (Sponsored Mayor Valdes-Fauli)adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
17-6163 1D.-1. ResolutionA Resolution authorizing entering into an amendment to an Interlocal Agreement with Miami-Dade County with regard to the City owned Coral Gables Library located at 3443 Segovia St, Coral Gables, Florida for the purpose of restoring the fountains and plaza.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
17-6142 1D.-2.Red Door Chg Order CG Library FountainsResolutionA Resolution authorizing a Change Order to the Historical Plazas and Entrances Restoration and Renovation contract with Red Door Construction, LLC, pursuant to Section 2-829, Approval of Change Order and Contract Modifications in the amount of $188,000.00 for work relating to two fountains restoration at the Coral Gables Branch Library.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
17-6140 1D.-3.Cocoplum Woman's Club PlaqueResolutionA Resolution approving a recommendation from the Historic Preservation Board for the placement and wording of a state historic marker by the Coco Plum Woman’s Club for the Coco Plum’s Woman’s Club located at 1375 Sunset Road, a local historic landmark. (Ayes: 5, Nays: 0; Unanimously approved )adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
17-6171 11.-1. MinutesBudget/Audit Advisory Board Meeting of May 25, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6135 11.-2.HPB MTG 4.20.17-CC.6.13.17MinutesHistoric Preservation Board Meeting of April 20, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6176 11.-3. MinutesInternational Affairs Coordinating Council Meeting of April 18, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6201 11.-4. MinutesLandscape Beautification Advisory Board Meeting of May 4, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6186 11.-5. MinutesLandscape Beautification Advisory Board Meeting of June 1, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6151 11.-6.SAB minutes of 3-22-17MinutesSustainability Advisory Board Meeting of March 22, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6152 11.-7.SAB meeting minutes of 4-26-17MinutesSustainability Advisory Board Meeting of April 26, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6157 11.-8.TAB minutes of 11-15-16MinutesTransportation Advisory Board Meeting of November 15, 2016.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6156 11.-9.TAB meeting minutes of 1-17-17MinutesTransportation Advisory Board Meeting of January 17, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6155 11.-10.TAB meeting minutes of 2-21-17MinutesTransportation Advisory Board Meeting of February 21, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6154 11.-11.TAB meeting minutes of 4-18-17MinutesTransportation Advisory Board Meeting of April 18, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6177 21.-12. MinutesWaterway Advisory Board Meeting of January 11, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6178 11.-13. MinutesWaterway Advisory Board Meeting of February 1, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6179 11.-14. MinutesWaterway Advisory Board Meeting of March 1, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6181 11.-15. MinutesWaterway Advisory Board Meeting of April 5, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6137 11.-16. MinutesWilliam A. Cooper and Donald R. Hopkins Scholarship Committee Meeting of April 26, 2017.approvedPass Action details Not available
17-6097 2E.-1. Agenda ItemPersonal appearance by Fausto Gomez of Gomez Barker Associates, Inc., regarding the 2017 Legislative Session.Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6096 2F.-1. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, amending the Code of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, by creating Article IX, entitled “Nuisance Abatement” of Chapter 34 “Nuisances,” to create a process by which the City can address Public Nuisances in the City of Coral Gables; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effecive date. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Keon)adopted by Ordinance NumberPass Action details Video Video
17-6108 2F.-2. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, amending the City of Coral Gables Code by adding Article XII, Parental Leave, to Chapter 2, entitled "Administration," of the City of Coral Gables Code; providing for a repealer provision; severability clause; codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Commissioner Mena)adopted by Ordinance NumberPass Action details Video Video
17-6187 2F.-3. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, identifying the duties and powers of the Mayor, consistent with Section 6 of the City Charter, creating Section 2-28 of the Code of the City of Coral Gables entitled “Mayor; Duties and Powers” establishing the function, duties, and responsibilities of the Office of the Mayor; providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Mayor Valdes-Fauli)approved as an Ordinance on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
17-6129 1F.-4.Ordinance - Zoning Code Text Amend. re Single Family designOrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida providing for text amendments to the City of Coral Gables Official Zoning Code, by amending Article 4, “Zoning Districts,” Section 4-201, “Single-Family Residential (SFR) District;” and Article 5, “Development Standards,” to modify and clarify provisions regulating single-family residential standards related to garages, FAR calculations, and accessory uses; providing for a repealer provision, providing for a severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Keon)Withdrawn  Action details Video Video
17-6150 1F.-5.Ordinance - Zoning Code Tex Amend. to clarify open space requirements.OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida providing for text amendments to the City of Coral Gables Official Zoning Code, by amending Article 4, “Zoning Districts,” Section 4-201, “Mixed Use District (MXD);” Article 5, “Development Standards,” Section 5-604, “Coral Gables Mediterranean Style Design Standards,” and Section 5-1105, “Landscape Requirements;” and Article 8, “Definitions,” to increase the requirements for landscaped open space and clarify what constitutes open space; providing for a repealer provision, providing for a severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Commissioner Lago)approved as an Ordinance on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
17-6165 1F.-6. OrdinanceAn Ordinance of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, amending Chapter 62, of the City of Coral Gables Code, to authorize the City Manager to declare and establish Play Streets, providing for a repealer provision, severability clause, codification, and providing for an effective date. (Sponsored by Commissioner Lago)approved as an Ordinance on First ReadingPass Action details Video Video
17-6117 1G.-1. Agenda ItemAnnouncement of Mayor's Council on Innovation and Industry. (Sponsored by Mayor Valdes-Fauli)Deferred  Action details Not available
17-6139 1G.-2. Agenda ItemA discussion regarding the possible trimming by the Florida Department of Transportation of the specimen trees located in front of Coral Gables Senior High School. (Sponsored by Commissioner Lago)Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6166 1G.-3. Agenda ItemA discussion and/or action related to parking issues at 760 Ponce de Leon Boulevard. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Keon)Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6180 1G-.4. Agenda ItemA discussion regarding regulating the height of hedges on residential property. (Sponsored by Vice Mayor Keon)Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6174 1G.-5. Agenda ItemA discussion regarding interactive solar installations by FPL such as solar trees on Miracle Mile, Giralda Avenue and other locations throughout the City. (Sponsored by Commissioner Lago)Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6192 1G.-6. Agenda ItemA discussion regarding the requiring of a joint meeting at least annually, between the City Commission and the Pension Board, with quorum present, in anticipation of possible actions that may be taken during the annual meetings. · Mandating an ongoing sharing of information throughout the year when anticipatory actions by either party will or may have an actuarial impact. (Sponsored by Commissioner Quesada)Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6194 1G.-7. Agenda ItemA discussion regarding the hiring of retired police officers. (Sponsored by Commissioner Quesada)Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6202 1G.-8. ResolutionA discussion regarding the City supporting Active Design Miami, an approach to encourage design and policy strategies for healthier communities developed by the Miami Center for Architecture and Design. (Sponsored by Commissioner Lago)adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
17-6168 1G.-9. Agenda ItemConsideration of the re-appointment of Irela Bague to the Sustainability Board as the Commission-As-A-Whole appointee.Deferred  Action details Not available
17-6160 1I.-1.Bicycle Master Plan UpdateAgenda ItemUpdate on the Bicycle Master Plan.Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6131 1I.-2. Agenda ItemUpdate regarding status of 25 MPH speed limit implementation and Citywide signage.Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6083 1I.-3. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, adopting a Downtown Sidewalk Café Plan, that includes amongst other things City pre-approved sidewalk café locations and furniture, a sidewalk café fee based on square footage; authorizing the City Manager to make administrative changes to the plan as deemed necessary to implement the Business Improvement Overlay District; updating the sidewalk café application fee citywide; providing severability, and providing for an effective date. [Both the sidewalk café fee of $15/$10 per square foot, applicable only to areas within the right-of-way, and application fee of $250 will be suspended for those restaurants that have been operational during the Streetscape Project for a period of 12 months from the date that the City declares “substantially complete” that portion of the Streetscape Project. This fee suspension is contingent upon a voluntary enforcement of a “No Outdoor Smoking” policy in the city right-of-way.]adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
17-6141 1I.-4.Trolley Operations ServicesResolutionA Resolution accepting the recommendation of the Chief Procurement Officer to award the Trolley Operations Services contract to MV Transportation, Inc., the most responsive and responsible proposer, at an estimated annual amount of $953,080, subject to change per Miami Dade County Living Wage rate adjustments, not to exceed the budgeted available funds, for a period of two (2) years with options to renew for two (2) additional two (2) year periods exercisable at the option of the City Manager, pursuant to Section 2-828 of the Procurement Code entitled “Contract Award” and Request for Proposals (RFP) 2017.03.MS; should negotiations fail with the most responsive-responsible proposer, negotiations shall commence with the next most responsive-responsible proposer until an agreement and contract amount acceptable to the City has been reached. (This contract is funded 100% by CITT - Half-Cent Transportation Surtax. This contract is increasing from prior year by approximately $103,153 due to a $4.18 hourly rate increase submitted by the most responsive-responsible proposer.)adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
17-6124 1I.-5.LED Lighting at Phillips ParkResolutionA Resolution accepting the recommendation of the Chief Procurement Officer to authorize a “piggyback” contract from Clay County, FL Contract RFP No. 13/14-8 Various Equipment and Amenities for Parks and Playgrounds and related products and services for an estimated initial amount of $275,500, with subsequent purchases not to exceed the budgeted available funds, utilizing the Clay County Contract, pursuant to Section 2-978, of the Procurement Code entitled, Use of Other Governmental Unit Contracts (Piggybacks). (This piggyback is for timely replacement, repairs, and improvements to Phillips Park LED lighting fixtures).adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
17-6127 1I.-6. ResolutionA Resolution of the City of Coral Gables, Florida, relating to the collection and disposal of solid waste in the City of Coral Gables, Florida; determining the solid waste cost and the Solid Waste Service Assessments for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2017; directing the preparation of an assessment roll; authorizing a public hearing and directing the provision of notice thereof; and providing an effective date.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
17-6128 1I.-7 . ResolutionA Resolution relating to the provision of Fire Protection Services, facilities and programs in the City of Coral Gables, Florida; establishing the estimated assessment rate for Fire Protection Assessments for the Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 2017; directing the preparation of an assessment roll; authorizing a public hearing and directing the provision of notice thereof; and providing an effective date.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
17-6167 1J.-1. Agenda ItemPresentation of City Attorney Opinion related to municipal authority over local matters. (Requested by Commissioner Lago)Discussed and Filed  Action details Video Video
17-6085 1J.-2. Agenda ItemRequest for an Executive Session (if any).Discussed and Filed  Action details Not available
17-6189 1K.-1. ResolutionA Resolution of the City Commission of Coral Gables, Florida, creating a Special Assessment District to be known as the Business Improvement District (“BID”) of Coral Gables, for a period of ten years, subject to approval by a majority of the affected property owners; providing for electronic voting as the method for ascertaining whether a majority of the affected property owners approve continued existence of the BID; providing for levy of special assessments thereof; providing for location, nature and estimated cost of services to be provided; providing for an expansion of duties and responsibilities; providing details of assessment procedure; and providing for publication of legal notice.adopted as amended by Resolution NumberPass Action details Video Video
17-6297 1Non Agenda ResolutionA Resolution directing the City Attorney’s Office to issue subpoenas for a pure bill of discovery to obtain discovery regarding the identity of any individual or entity responsible for certain sponsored ads and/or content on social media that include defamatory statements against the City.adopted by Resolution NumberPass Action details Not available
17-6193 1M.-1. Agenda ItemDiscussion closed to the public pursuant to Sec. 447.605, F.S., for the purposes of discussing Teamsters, Local 769, collective bargaining negotiations.   Action details Not available