| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 422 Catalonia Avenue
Appealing the Notice of Intent
Case transferred to EnerGov NOVI-22-05-0426
Violation Description - Roof is in disrepair and has large tarp with sandbags.
Remedy - Must obtain re roof, or repair permit.
Owner - Gonzalo Goicochea
Code Enforcement Officer Juan Garcia | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 4700 SW 8 Street
Violation Description - Installation of new sign on business "Gables Cove".
Remedy - Must obtain "after the fact" permit for installed sign.
Owner - Cuernos Management LLC
Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 4120 University Drive
Violation Description - Roof, fascia, walls, front entry floor and rear concrete patio are dirty.
Miscellaneous items stored through-out the exterior of the home.
Remedy - Must clean roof, fascia, walls, front entry floor and rear concrete patio.
Must remove and discard miscellaneous items stored through-out the exterior of the home.
Owner - Nicolas Souto
Code Enforcement Officer Vilato | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 6956 Sunrise Terrace
Violation Description - Installed concrete driveway with artificial grass.
Remedy - Must obtain approval and permit.
Owner - Yahya T. Koita & w/Saida
Code Enforcement Officer Roman | found Guilty | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 2530 Columbus Blvd.
Violation Description - WWP- Enclosure of garage without approval and/or permit/ including electrical, mechanical, plumbing and structural.
Installation of new windows, new a/c.
Remedy - Stop all work / must obtain "after the fact" permits for all work done.
Owner - Guillermo A Bonilla Aparicio Gisela Avila Torres
Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 4949 Riviera Drive
Violation Description - Installation of a mini split unit in the garage without a permit.
Remedy - Must obtain "After the Fact" permit for all work performed.
Owner - Lewis S. Eidson & Margaret S. Eidson
Code Enforcement Officer Vilato | found Guilty | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1114 S. Dixie Highway
Violation Description - Gate of container enclosure is in disrepair.
Remedy - Must repair or replace container enclosure gates.
Owner - Gem Pyramid LLC c/oCarlos A. Romero Jr.
Code Enforcement Officer Roman | found Guilty | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1207 Columbus Boulevard
Violation Description - Rear wall is dirty, wood fence in rear of yard, south side of front yard there is no grass and there various materials all over the rear, sides and carport area.
Remedy - Need to clean and/paint rear wall, wood fence is not an approved fence material and needs to be removed, need to plant grass or other approved ground coverage and remove and/or place all materials throughout the property inside garage or obtain approval and a permit for masonry structure.
Owner -Mary Ann Talmadge Trs and Mary Ann Talmadge Trust
Code Enforcement Officer Garcia | Complied prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 4150 Monserrate Street
Violation Description - Installation of AC unit on the northside of property without a permit.
Demolition of screen enclosure for pool without a permit. Installation of sprinklers without a permit.
Remedy - Must obtain "After the fact" permit for all the work performed.
Owner - Montserrate Realty Holdings LLC
Code Enforcement Officer Vilato | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 625 Tiziano Avenue
Violation Description - Windows changed without approval and permits.
Remedy - Must obtain approval and permits for all windows being changed.
Owner - Scott D.Kravetz & w/Liliana
Code Enforcement Officer Quintana | found Guilty | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 617 Zamora Avenue
Violation Description - EXP - UNB Pool permit is not finalized and no contractor is attached/ BL20-03-7187 is expired.
Remedy - Must reactivate permit as "owner builder" obtain change of contractor, complete building, obtain all pending inspections to close.
Owner - Rogelio Villanueva Silvana Peraza
Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz | found Guilty | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 901 San Pedro Avenue
Violation Description - Expired permits. I:E BL18043823, BL14064036, EL14103350, PL14102878, PL14102884. Permits exists for more than 1 year. I:E BL18043823, BL14064036, EL14103350, PL14102878, PL14102884.
Remedy - Permit must reactivated, call for all final inspections and close permit. Building must be completed as per plans and specifications on building permit issued.
Owner - Peter Lima
Code Enforcement Officer Quintana | Complied prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1221 Milan Avenue
Violation Description - Exterior work on side of property including concrete (elevated patio), 4x4 posts and lighting without required permits. Also to include front addition done without permit.
Remedy - STOP ALL WORK - Must obtain "after the fact" permit for new work, and or demolish with required permit.
Owner - Peter A. Saliamonas & w/Anne S.
Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz | found Guilty | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 6979 Sunrise Drive
Violation Description - Expired Permit : BL14073838 Replace 22 Windows White Frame Clear Glass.
Remedy - Must Reactivate Permit and Call For Inspections to Finalized.
Owner - Happy Horizons LLC c/o Paul Barkus
Code Enforcement Officer Roman | found Guilty | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 7911 Altamira Street
Violation Description - Screening is missing and/or in disrepair.
Dead vegetation on roof of enclosure.
Remedy - Screening must be repaired. Might require approval and permits.
Remove any and all dead vegetation, including from the roof of the enclosure.
Owner - Grace Salem
Code Enforcement Officer Quintana | Continued prior to hearing | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 87 Coral Way
Violation Description - Exterior of property requires maintenance: Walls, front entrance and sidewalk are dirty and weeds against exterior wall.
Remedy - Must clean and/or paint, remove weeds. Obtain approval and permit.
Owner - 93 MM Holdings LP c/o Wexford Capital LP
Code Enforcement Officer Delgado | Continued | |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 827 Ortega Avenue
3/16/22 Entered into an Agreed Order
5/20/22 Notice of Intent
Returning on request for hearing of Notice of Intent to Lien
Violation Description -
1. Sections 34-202 and 34-203 of the City Code; to wit: failure to maintain (as set forth herein) and register vacant Property.
2. Sections 227, 250, 252, 254, 255, 275, and 278 of Chapter 105, Minimum Housing Code, of the City Code; to wit: As to the single-family home: Failure to maintain the structure by allowing: extensive fire damage to interior walls; roof, and trusses; holes in the roof; the exterior walls, driveway; front door, garage door, soffits, and roof are dirty; front door is damaged; walkway is cracked and has weeds; damaged and boarded windows.
3. Section 62-151 of the City Code; to wit: Failure to maintain the sidewalk in a clean condition.
Remedy -
1. Register the property and apply for, obtain, and pass final inspection on all required permits to maintain the property.
2. Apply for, obtain, and pass final inspection on all required permits to maintain the Property; to wit: clean and repair the r | found Guilty | |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1252 Obispo Avenue
CEB 3-16-22 Returning for status report.
CEB 9-15-2021 - Returning for Status Report. Notice of Intent to lien has been placed due to non-compliance..
CEB 7-21-2021 - Returning for Status Report. Notice of Intent to lien has been placed due to non-compliance..
CEB 4-21-2021 - G/30/$75/$108.75. Comply by 5-21-2021 by re-activating permit(s) or pay $75 per day thereafter, +$108.75 admin fee. Provide status report in 3 months - return to 7-21-2021 hearing.
Violation Description - Expired permit: BL14-11-4165 - Residential Addition.
Remedy - Must reactivate permit, call in for inspections and close out permit.
Owner - Ramesh C Airan &W Aruna R
Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 1 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 1252 Obispo Avenue
CEB 3-16-2022 Returning for Status Report.
CEB 9-15-2021 - Returning for Status Report. Notice of Intent to lien has been placed due to non-compliance.
CEB 7-21-2021 - Returning for Status Report. Notice of Intent to lien has been placed due to non-compliance..
CEB 4-21-2021 - G/30/$75 Comply by 5-21-2021 by re-activating permit(s) or pay $75 per day thereafter, admin fee waived the Board. Provide status report in 3 months - return to 7-21-2021 hearing.
Violation Description - The following permits have been open for more than a year: BL-14-11-4165 (Residential Addition) and ZN-18-06-4250 (Chain link fence).The following permits have been open for more than a year: BL-14-11-4165 (Residential Addition) and ZN-18-06-4250 (Chain link fence).
Remedy - Need to complete, call for inspections and close out permits.
Owner - Ramesh C Airan &W Aruna R
Code Enforcement Officer Schwartz | Continued | Pass |
Action details
Not available
| 2 | | | Code Enforcement Board Violation | 6913 Talavera Street
CEB 3-16-2022 - Returning for status report
CEB 9-15 -2021 - Returning for monthly status report
CEB 6/17/2021 - Returning for monthly status report
CEB 4/21/2021 - Returning for monthly status report - lien has been recorded
CEB 3/17/2021 - Returning for monthly status report
CEB 2/17/2021 - Returning for monthly status report
CEB 1/20/2021 - Returned for monthly status report
CEB 11-18-2020 - Comply within 60 days of Board's Hearing by converting carport to its original appearance and comply within 90 days of Board's Hearing by submitting for permit(s) and legalizing. $150 daily fine to commence if no compliance. Administrative Fee of $108.75 assessed by the Board. At the request of the CEB to return monthly for status reports beginning - January 20, 2021.
CEB - 10-21-2020 - Continued to November
CEB - 9-23-2020 - Returning to get full report from the Zoning Department.
CEB - 2-19-2020 - Continued to discuss carport and garage with Historic Department.
Documents presented into Public Record by Barbara Garcia.
Violation Description - Car port i | | |
Action details
Not available