510 Santander Avenue $250.00
Violation Description - Sec. 54-149. - Segregation of recyclable material. (a)All recyclable material, as defined in section 54-86, shall be placed in the household recycling container provided by the city and placed out for collection immediately adjacent to each resident's garbage container.(b)It shall be a violation of this division for any person, firm, or corporation not authorized by the city manager to collect or remove any recyclable material specifically placed for collection in the recycling program as provided for herein. (Code 1991, § 21-54; Code 2006, § 54-156; Ord. No. 3033, § 1, 7-20-1993)
TO WIT: Cardboard box placed out on row for pickup. Cardboard box originated from 510 Santander Apt 1.
Remedy - Must remove box from row and place with recycling for pickup. 2nd offense.
Code Enforcement Officer Posada