City of Coral Gables

File #: 19-9212    Version: 1 Name: CDB minutes 08.06.19
Type: Minutes Status: Noted and Filed
File created: 9/17/2019 In control: City Commission
On agenda: 10/8/2019 Final action: 10/8/2019
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Cultural Development Board Meeting of August 6, 2019.
Attachments: 1. 08.06.19 MinutesforCC10.08.19, 2. CDB Minutes August 06 2019 DRAFT


Cultural Development Board Meeting of August 6, 2019.



a.                     ILLUMINATE CORAL GABLES

Ms. Cathers introduced Patrick O’Connell and Venny Torre, representing the Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce and the Coral Gables Business Improvement District, who previously addressed the Board to discuss the idea of presenting a light festival in Coral Gables. She stated that they have since involved other partners to develop a new organization called Illuminate Coral Gables.


A motion of support for Illuminate Coral Gables was made by Ms. Horwitz. Mr. Martinez seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


b.                     THE SANCTUARY OF THE ARTS

Ms. Cathers introduced Olga Granda to discuss another new cultural project. Ms. Granda shared with the Board plans to use the Christian Science Church across the street from City Hall as a new cultural institution under the name “The Sanctuary of the Arts.” The organization, she said, is leasing approximately 80% of the property for an artist led public performing arts institution that focuses on multi-disciplinary and dynamic work that heals and empowers. She continued, saying the project will emphasize joy and accessibility and will grow alongside resident artists.



a.                     CULTURAL GRANT UPDATES

Ms. Cathers reported on structural changes to the application to modify questions from narrative answers to clearly stated goals, objective and actions.  She stated that the guidelines currently have an eligibility requirement that organizations need to be legally incorporated in the State of Florida for two years prior to the application deadline. Ms. Cathers said a request was made to expand this requirement to include organizations legally incorporated in other states. The idea, she said, is to allow organizations more flexibility to work with non-profit organizations from out-of-state.


A motion was made by Mr. Pantin to modify the current Cultural Grant eligibility to allow legally incorporated not-for-profit organizations for at least two years prior to the application deadline, without a limitation of being based in Florida. Ms. Horwitz seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


b.                     CULTURAL GRANT WORKSHOP

Ms. Cathers reminded the Board of the Cultural Grant Workshop being held on Thursday, August 29th at 4:00 p.m. Board members were encouraged to attend if available. She described the key items from the grant application and that organizations must have a representative signed in to be eligible for cultural grant funding. She stated that the Chamber of Commerce will make a brief presentation about the benefits of non-profit Chamber membership. The Arts & Business Council will also attend, she said, and review the City’s partnership programs including workshops, Board match program, and the social media toolkit.



Board members were advised that Final Report and Cultural Grant Application review and scoring meetings will coincide with the Boards monthly meetings as follows:


Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Time:    8:00 a.m. Cultural Development Board Meeting

9:00 a.m. FY2018-2019 Cultural Grant Final Report Review & Scoring


Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Time:    8:00 a.m. Cultural Development Board Meeting

9:00 a.m. FY2019-2020 Cultural Grant Application Review & Scoring




The Board was advised of the City Commission approval of Rafael Barrios as this year’s artist to work with for Miami Art Week and application to Art Basel. They were provided with an updated proposal from the artist and received comments from the Arts Advisory Panel in favor of presenting the sculpture “Pause” for temporary installation across from City Hall along with exhibition of additional works by the artist including an exhibition of his work at the Coral Gables Museum.


A motion was made by Mr. Pantin to recommend funding for a temporary public art exhibition by Rafael Barrios, related expenses, and acquisition of the sculpture “Pause”.  Ms. Horwitz seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


b.                     BOARD-AS-A-WHOLE NOMINATION

Dr. Rosa Mayorga handed the gavel to Ms. Horwitz and left the room while the Board discussed nominations for the position of Board-as-a-Whole member of the Cultural Development Board. Staff advised that Dr. Mayorga is interested in continuing to serve as the Board-as-a-Whole appointment. The Board discussed briefly and made the following motion.


Mr. Martinez made a motion to appoint Dr. Rosa Mayorga for an addition term as the Board-as-a-Whole member of the Cultural Development Board. Mr. Pantin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.



The Board was advised of currently serving Arts Advisory Panel members interest in serving for another term and that Panel members Dr. Damian and Ms. Tschumy have met their term limits and may not be re-appointed. The Board was informed that Marijean Miyar, previous Arts Advisory Panel member, would like to serve on the Panel again. It was noted that her professional arts background is in Art History. Staff stated that the Panel has consistently had members representing art history, museum leadership, fine art creation, curation, conservation, and architecture/design. With no further discussion the following motions were made:


A motion was made by Mr. Martinez to recommend re-appointing the following members to the Arts Advisory Panel: Herbert Brito, Dr. Jill Deupi, Jacek Kolasiński, Emily MacDonald-Korth, and Juan Roselione-Valadez. Ms. Horwitz seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


A motion was made by Mr. Martinez to recommend appointing Marijean Miyar to the Arts Advisory Panel. Ms. Horwitz seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.



There was no old business



                     Public Safety Building

Staff reported that the Board’s recommended artist proposal for the Public Safety Building was rejected by the City Commission. The Commission requested greater involvement with Police and Fire professionals and asked staff to start a new process for acquiring a public art memorial honoring public safety professionals. The Board expressed disappointment with the results. Mr. Pantin (as the Board appointed review panel representative) reported that Police and Fire were involved in all aspects of the review process.


                     Jean Ward sculptures

Staff reported that the school board is working on a recommendation to request the Jean Ward sculptures for loan and installation on the Coral Gables High School grounds.


                     Carlos Albert - City Commission item, August 27

The Board was advised that the Carlos Albert temporary exhibition will be coming before the City Commission on August 27th.


                     Giralda Plaza

Ms. Horwitz asked about the visual difference between the Giralda Plaza, Sun Stories, artwork rendering and final installation view. Ms. Spain explained that the art functions in tandem with the sun, stating that the letters are most vivid and clear during noon hours when the sun is at its highest. It was noted that the work wasn’t intended to be a shade structure. The Board discussed and said in the future it could be specified or asked that the artwork also function as a shade component. Ms. Cathers added that staff is speaking with UM about collaborating with their summer institute to create work for Winter, 2020. Mr. Pantin asked if the support (truss) structure could be permanent. Ms. Spain responded that staff has looked at this as an option and it has not been approved.




The Board was informed of the passing of the Arts Advisory Panel resolution amendment adding two Coral Gables residents as Commission-as-a-Whole appointments.



a.                     CARLOS CRUZ-DIEZ

The Board was advised that Master Carlos Cruz-Diez passed away at the age of 95. Board members expressed their deep sympathy.


b.                     OTHER ITEMS

The Board discussed pending public art projects, including The Plaza and upcoming municipal projects. Mr. Pantin expressed concern about the lack of advance time given to effectively incorporate public art within these projects.



The Board was advised that Dr. Roth asked if the September meeting could be rescheduled to a later date. The Board-as-a-Whole decided to meet next on Tuesday, September 17th at 8:30 a.m.