A Resoulution accepting the recommendation of the Chief Procurement Officer to award the Kings Bay Streetscape Improvement Project contract to Florida Construction & Engineering, Inc.pursuant to Invitation for Bids
(IFB) 2015.06.18, and Section 2-828 of Procurment Code entitled, " Contract Award".
The project consists of streetscape improvements on Permit Drive in the Kings Bay Community; it will transform it into a linear park-like atmosphere which includes the installation of concrete pavers at the street intersections and at the waterfront; street side plazas and waterfront plaza with benches, planters and lighting; parking for golf carts; continuous compacted gravel path and lush landscaping with irrigation throughout the length of the project.
On June 18, 2015, the Procurement Division of Finance formally advertised, issued, and distributed the Kings Bay Streetscape Improvement Project IFB 2015.06.18. On June 26, 2015, a non-mandatory pre-bid conference was held with three (3) prospective bidders in attendance of the sixteen (16) prospective bidders who obtained the IFB package from the Procurement Division.
On July 20, 2015, two (2) bids were received in response to Kings Bay Streetscape Improvement IFB 2015.06.18 from Florida Construction & Engineering, Inc; ABC Construction, Inc.
The Lowest responsive and responsible bidder for this project was determined to be Florida Construction & Engineering, Inc, with a total bid of $ 397,649.25.
The Public Works Department and Consultant concure with the recommendation to award Florida Construction & Engineering, Inc the Kings Bay Streetscape Improvement project.