A Resolution of the City Commission authorizing a contract modification to Stonehenge Construction, LLC. Contract No. IFB 2024-029 for Pump Station 6 Force Main Replacement project, pursuant to Section 2-764 (b) "Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications", in the amount of $75,000 to cover unforeseen items.
Lobbyist: N/A
On May 13, 2017, the City Commission approved the establishment of a pre-qualified pool of contractor for General and Specialty Trade Contractor Services, Stonehenge Construction, LLC. to bid on the Pump Station 6 Force Main Replacement project.
Stonehenge Construction, LLC. was awarded this project as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. This contract modification will ensure unforeseen items are addressed, allowing the timely completion of this project.
Under Section 2-764 of the Procurement Code entitled “Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications,” the spending authority shall be modified in the amount of $75,000 to allow for additional funds necessary to address any future needs to complete the project or in an amount not to exceed the available budget.
Fiscal Impact
The necessary force main replacement minimizes sewer emergency repairs and related costs.