Congratulations to Communications Operator Linda Maestre, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Operator of the Year Award,” for 2019.
I would like to nominate Operator Linda Maestre for Operator of the 4th Quarter. She has been
with the city for 20 years and is an asset to the shift. Operator Maestre demonstrates the qualities
that an Operator of the year should have. She consistently responds quickly to her tasks and
duties. Operator Maestre performs consistently as an operator, Communications Training
Operator and when working as an Acting Supervisor.
Operator Maestre has years of experience that enable her to handle a variety of incidents and to
adequately handle the duties associated with all positions. She keeps up while handling high
priority situations and ensures the needs of the officers are met.
Operator Maestre was a Communications Training Operator in approximately 2004 for a short
period of time. After quite some time, she decided to rejoin the program to help cultivate the
generation of communications operators we will one day leave behind. She attended CTO school
in May of 2019 at the Institute of Police Technology and Management. Operator Maestre takes
little time off from work. She knows taking time off impacts the progression of those that are
assigned to her. Operator Maestre accepts the challenges associated with training and faces any
difficulty head on. She finds ways to help motivate trainees and teaches them that they can
overcome any struggles. Operator Maestre finds a unique way to bond with her trainees that
makes them feel comfortable and accepting.
Operator Maestre demonstrates qualities that are often overseen by others. For quite some time
she has taken on celebrating birthdays for those on her shift. She gathers contributions from
those wishing to participate and makes homemade cakes to celebrate their special day. Operator
Maestre gave up bidding for holidays this bid, allowing some others to have an extra holida...
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