Historic Preservation Board Meeting of March 16, 2017.
Leo Gomez introduced himself to the Board as one of the Public Administrators for the Miami-Dade County Public Library System and explained that they were in the process of carrying out multiple renovations at the Coral Gables Library, which include the renovations to the two fountains located at the Coral Gables Library. Mr. Gomez explained that the fountains had suffered vandalism and were in need of much needed repairs. He relayed the scope of work to the Board stating that the project would have two phases, the first being the restoration to both fountains, and the second phase being the repairs to the fountains which would involve extensive plumbing and electrical work. It was clarified by Mr. Gomez that the request coming before the Board was only for the restoration portion of the project. The repair work would be covered by the Capital Project Funds which are already secured. The cost for the restoration portion of the project was estimated at over $37,000 which covers the work and the supervision that will be carried out by a restoration specialist.
A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval to the City Commission to authorize the release of funds from the Historic Art Fund in the amount of $27,750 to cover the restoration costs of both fountains located at the Coral Gables Library. (Ayes: 9, Nays: 0)
CASE FILE LHD 2017-001: Consideration of the local historic designation of the property at 1212 Sorolla Avenue, legally described as Lots 12 thru 14, Block 2, Coral Gables Section “E,” according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 8, at Page 13 of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the local historic designation for the property at 1212 Sorolla Avenue. (Ayes: 9, Nays: 0)
CASE FILE LHD 2017-002: Considerat...
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