A Resolution of the City of Coral Gables to assume all liability, maintenance and improvements, of the existing traffic circle, located at the intersection of Lugo Road and Red Road, at the City’s cost. (Because one quarter of the traffic circle is within the Village of Pinecrest, Coral Gables will also seek concurrence from Pinecrest.)
The construction of the traffic circle located at the intersection of Lugo Road and Red Road was completed by The City of Coral Gables (City) in September, 2014. Three quarters of the circle lie within the limits of The City and one quarter within the limits of The Village of Pinecrest (Village). This project was constructed in response to safety concerns by residents in the area and the intent was to reduce speeding along intersecting roadways.
The City mailed four hundred ballots to its residents, with two hundred three (203) supporting and seventy-seven (77) opposing the project. Similarly, thirty-three (33) ballots were mailed to Village residents, with thirteen (13) supporting and seven (7) opposing the project.
The ballots returned a 2/3 favorable response by affected residents and approval from the four adjacent properties as required by Miami-Dade County however, The City did not obtain permits from The Village. The City was placed on notice by the Village for constructing on Village right-of-way without the necessary permit on March 18, 2015. The City subsequently requested permission to allow the portion of the traffic circle constructed on the Village’s right-of-way to remain on June 29, 2015.
Since then, The City has worked with the Village in an effort to mitigate the oversight:
1. A crosswalk will be constructed on the west leg of Lugo Road to insure a safe pedestrian crossing at the circle;
2. Sidewalk landings will be constructed on each side of the crosswalk, until such time that it is determined whether a sidewalk (or path) may be constructed along the right-of-way towards the neighborhood park, n...
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