Congratulations to Battalion Chief Carla Rossby, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Firefighter of the Month Award,” for the month of January, 2016.
Battalion Chief Carla Rossby has been selected January’s Firefighter of the Month for her outstanding display of individual initiative surpassing job requirements and expectations and her acts of concern and consideration in dealing with the public, fellow employees and supervisors, specifically for her role in a recent emergency call involving a teenager who committed suicide. Chief Rossby went above and beyond to ensure that the crews that were involved were OK. In addition, she reached out to the dispatchers and call takers that were involved on the call and coordinated efforts with the Communications Center to ensure there was relief given to the dispatchers. From her many years of commitment and education in Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM), she provided a quick response by implementing a group intervention with the call taker, dispatcher and supervisor who were distraught as a result of the call. This speaks to Chief Rossby’s unwavering commitment to both the department and fellow employees.