Coral Gables Arts Advisory Panel Meeting of November 2, 2016.
Panel members were provided with materials for artists Antuan Rodriguez and Rainer Lagemann requesting pre-qualification approval.
Mr. Roselione-Valadez made a motion to accept Antuan Rodriguez as a pre-qualified Art in Public Places artist. Ms. Tschumy seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
The Panel discussed the recent public dialogue surrounding the sculptures installed at the Segovia Street traffic circles. Staff shared that more people are speaking in support of the artwork. The Panel discussed the process, selection, and final artwork, expressing their overwhelming support and understanding of the intent to commission a world-class sculpture, a destination piece, and an artwork that would draw the attention of the art community.
Ms. Tschumy made a motion expressing the Arts Advisory Panel's strong support of the appointed Segovia Circle Artwork Judging Panel, the selection process that was followed, and the ultimate selection of the Alice Aycock artwork Passion/Passiflora Incarnation and installation; further recommending that the City Commission keep the artworks at their installed locations within the Segovia Street traffic circles. Dr. Deupi seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Dr. Damian made a motion appointing Dr. Jill Deupi to speak on behalf of the Arts Advisory Panel at the City Commission meeting regarding the Segovia Circle artwork. Mr. Roselione-Valadaz seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Ms. Spain reported on the two neighborhood meetings that took place at Young Park to discuss the possibility of placing the three restored Jean Ward sculptures in that location. She described the oppositional reaction of most in attendance and discussed other possible sites, such as the original location at the library, downtown, or another neighborhood park.
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