Arts Advisory Panel Meeting Minutes of October 26, 2015.
Ms. Cathers reported to the Panel on the Cultural Development Board meeting of October 8 and of their motion to move the two sculptures on the East and West side of the library to Young Park, noting that they would like the Arts Advisory Panel involved in the siting of the artworks at that location. In addition, the Cultural Development Board would like the Panel to consider the color red for the sculptures and return a recommendation to them. Ms. Linderman with Rosa Lowinger and Associates (RLA) was introduced and proceeded to show the Panel samples of finishes and shades of red. Ms. Linderman discussed the quality of the new paint product available and its ability to hold its true color over time with proper maintenance. In addition, she recommended a Gloss finish for maintenance and consideration of the environment. The Panel discussed the options and viewed the samples in daylight.
A motion was made by Ms. Deupi to support (painting the Jean Ward sculptures being moved to Young Park) the color suggestion of red, specifically "Crawford Red" as presented by Rosa Lowinger and Associates. Dr. Damian seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
A motion was made by Dr. Damian to use the Gloss finish on the Jean Ward sculptures as recommended and presented by Rosa Lowinger and Associates. Ms. Deupi seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Ms. Miyar welcomed the artist Lugufelo, who addressed the Board and described his proposed donation of the model made for the full-scale sculpture of "Spinnaker", the sculpture previously accepted by the City. Ms. Deupi asked for clarification on the proposed location of the piece. Staff responded that a location has not been determined.
A motion was made by Ms. Deupi to table the donation proposal until a collection plan is put in place. Dr. Damian seconded the motion, ...
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