Congratulations to Brian Glenn, recipient of the City of Coral Gables “Citizen Recognition of Valor Award,” for December 2019.
I respectfully nominate FPI Security Officer Brian Glenn for the Citizen Recognition of Valor
award for his courageous actions at 405 Biltmore Way on December 5, 2019.
Security Officer Brian Glenn while assigned to City Hall heard several loud bangs coming from the direction of the City Clerk’s office. As he entered the Clerk's office City Clerk Billy Urquia exited his office and advised that someone had shot through his office window. Mr. Glenn immediately hit his emergency button on his radio and advised Coral Gables Police Dispatch of shots fired at City Hall and requested police assistance. Without regard for his own safety Mr. Glenn responded outside and observed Suramy Cabera walking up the ramp. He then escorted her inside City Hall and to safety. Mr. Glenn continued to remain outside in harm's way in an attempt to gather further information for the responding police units. In less than a minute Officer Cristino Perez responded to City Hall and Mr. Glenn briefed him on the incident. Mr. Glenn assisted the responding officers by securing the front doors to City Hall assuring no one entered or left the building.
For the above actions and bravery demonstrated by FPI Security Officer Brian Glenn I believe he is truly deserving of this nomination.