City of Coral Gables

File #: 19-8709    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Resolution Status: Adopted
File created: 5/13/2019 In control: City Commission
On agenda: 7/9/2019 Final action: 7/9/2019
Enactment date: 7/9/2019 Enactment #: 2019-221
Title: A Resolution amending Resolution No. 2015-272, increasing the Arts Advisory Panel membership from seven to nine members and setting forth membership requirements for the two new members. (Sponsored by Mayor Valdes-Fauli)
Sponsors: Mayor Valdes-Fauli
Attachments: 1. Signed Resolution 2019-221, 2. Cover Memo - Arts Advisory Panel - 07-09-19, 3. Arts Advisory Panel Resolution 2019_July9_Clean version, 4. Arts Advisory Panel Resolution 2019_July 9, 5. Arts Advisory Panel cover memo_June11, 6. Arts Advisory Panel Resolution 2019_June11_Clean version, 7. Arts Advisory Panel Resolution 2019_June11, 8. Arts Advisory Panel cover memo, 9. Arts Advisory Panel Resolution 2019, 10. Speaker Cards entered into public record at hearing, 11. Speaker Cards entered into public record at meeting, 12. Verbatim Transcript - CCMtg Jul 9 2019 - Agenda Item G-3 - Resolution increasing the Arts Advisory Panel membership from seven to nine members, 13. Verbartim Transcript - CCMtg May 28 2019 - Agenda Item G-1 - Resolution amending Resolution No. 2015-272 regarding the Arts Advisory Panel, revising membership qualifications and membership appointments
A Resolution amending Resolution No. 2015-272, increasing the Arts Advisory Panel membership from seven to nine members and setting forth membership requirements for the two new members.
(Sponsored by Mayor Valdes-Fauli)

WHEREAS, Resolution No. 29040 adopted by the City Commission on March 29, 1996 and amended by Resolutions 2010-58, 2011-147, and 2015-272 established an Arts Advisory Panel, outlining its purpose, qualifications, membership, appointment and removal, and meeting requirements; and

WHEREAS, the commission desires to revise membership qualifications, appoint members directly, and impose a residency requirement on Arts Advisory Panel members, consistent with most other boards and committees in the City; and

WHEREAS, upon passage of this resolution, the zoning code will be amended to reflect the revisions to the Arts Advisory Panel.


SECTION 1. Incorporation. That the foregoing “Whereas” clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this Resolution upon the adoption hereof.

SECTION 2. Purpose. The Arts Advisory Panel was established for the purpose of making recommendations to the Cultural Development Board regarding the selection, creation, and acceptance of works of art. In addition, the Arts Advisory Panel may be called upon by the Cultural Development Board to act as an artist selection committee, and to provide other artistic guidance as the Cultural Development Board determines is necessary.

In acting as an artist selection committee, the Arts Advisory Panel can make recommendations regarding (a) purchases of public art, (b) the selection of artists and approval of concepts for public art commissions, and (c) the selection of artists, artworks and/or curators for temporary exhibitions; and

In addition, the Panel can make recommendations regardin...

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