901 San Pedro Avenue
Violation Description - Expired permits. I:E BL18043823, BL14064036, EL14103350, PL14102878, PL14102884. Permits exists for more than 1 year. I:E BL18043823, BL14064036, EL14103350, PL14102878, PL14102884.
Remedy - Permit must reactivated, call for all final inspections and close permit. Building must be completed as per plans and specifications on building permit issued.
Owner - Peter Lima
Code Enforcement Officer Quintana
1. ownership, 2. warning letter, 3. warning postings, 4. warning affi, 5. nov letter, 6. nov postings, 7. 901 san pedro nov cert, 8. nov affi, 9. nov usps, 10. Summons 901 San Pedro, 11. summons usps, 12. summons affi, 13. expired permit 1, 14. expired permit 2, 15. expired permit 3, 16. expired permit 4, 17. email with gc in regards to expired permits, 18. summons posting