A Resolution accepting a Florida Department of State, Specific Cultural Project Grant in the amount of $11,000 toward marketing and a national advertising campaign promoting Hank Willis Thomas artworks in Coral Gables; authorizing an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Annual Budget to recognize the $11,000 grant as revenue and to appropriate such funds to cover the grant expenditures.
This agreement authorizes the acceptance of a competitive Florida Department of State, Specific Cultural Project Grant in the amount of $11,000 toward a national marketing campaign to promote the Hank Willis Thomas public art project. Funds for the grant were appropriated in the FY2020 General Appropriations Act of the State on line 3200A, giving the Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs the authority to administer the grant in accordance with Section 265.286, Florida Statues.
This grant requires at least one dollar in cash or in-kind (donated goods or services) for every dollar requested from the Division. Staff recommends use of Art Acquisition Fund monies to meet the requirement of matched dollars.
An amendment to the Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Annual Budget is required to recognize the $11,000 grant as revenue and to appropriate such funds to cover the grant expenditures.