A Resolution of the City Commission accepting the recommendation of the City Manager to request additional spending authority in an estimated amount of $150,000, or not to exceed available budget, for a contract awarded to M&J General Contractors Contract no. IFB 2024 -005 for the City Hall Cottage Renovations project, pursuant to Section 2-764 of the Procurement Code entitled “Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications”.
Lobbyist: N/A
On April 11, 2024, M & J General Contractors was awarded the contract for the restoration work at the City Hall Annex Building through a competitive solicitation process issued as IFB 2024 -005 in the amount of $398,590.
The project included the following scope of services: interior renovation to accommodate new offices and conference rooms. During the course of completing the project, it was discovered that additional services for structural reinforcement work and Historical preservation of exterior would be necessary in order to complete the project. The additional spending authority being requested will address the changes identified and future unforeseen conditions, allowing the timely completion of this project.
Under Section 2-764 of the Procurement Code entitled “Approval of Change Orders and Contract Modifications,” the spending authority shall be modified in the amount of $150,000 to allow for additional funds necessary to address any future needs to complete the project or in an amount not to exceed the available budget.
Fiscal Impact
Addressing the unforeseen construction issues within the City Hall Cottage will allow this historic structure to continue being an iconic building at the City Hall Complex.