Advisory Board on Disability Affairs Meeting of December 1, 2021.
QUORUM: Reached in Person
CALL TO ORDER: Meeting commenced at 10:10am
Holiday Park - Ms. Elejabarrieta / Ms. Kofkin
Ms. Elejabarrieta advised Board Holiday Park will be opening this upcoming Friday, December 3, 2021. Ms. Elejabarrieta stated there will once again a date and time available specifically for families with children with disabilities to attend. Ms. Elejabarrieta stated it would be Sunday, December 19, 2021, from 9:00am to 11:00am and families will be required to register. Ms. Elejabarrieta advised registration is already open.
Mr. Sando stated it was a great event last year however, there was very little participation and feels information should be better distributed to the community. Ms. Elejabarrieta advised once flyer is available, it will be provided to all.
Follow Up: Ms. Palacio
Ms. Palacio stated regarding having “follow up” of meeting being sent to let Board members of what needs to be done prior to next meeting. Ms. Elejabarrieta stated further research and clarification from law department needs to be conducted regarding this due to the Sunshine law. Ms. Milne asked if a Board member finds an interesting article and would like to share it with the Board, could it then be emailed to staff and have it distributed in that matter. Ms. Elejabarrieta stated it would be ok to distribute as information not as a directive to take any type of action. Ms. Dietz suggested perhaps the information can be added to the agenda as a “To do list.”
Review Resolution: Self-Contained Classrooms (Exhibit 1) - Ms. Elejabarrieta
Ms. Elejabarrieta conducted review of pending resolution regarding Self-Contained classroom.
Board expressed interest and discussed rewording resolution whereas instead of requesting a self-contained classroom in an elementary public school, that it would request self-contained classrooms for students with disabilities in elementary, midd...
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