255 Alhambra Circle
Violation Description - Condition of commercial property (a) (4) - Sec. 105-29 (a) - The exterior of all commercial property shall be maintained so as to prevent deterioration or blight from inadequate maintenance. (4) All awnings shall be without tears or holes and free of dirt, discoloration, fading or cracking. Any lettering or painted surfaces on awnings shall conform to subsection (2) of this section. All hardware, supports and poles shall be straigtht, free of rust and in good condition.
Exterior of property needs to be cleaned as well as the sidewalk.
Remedy - Comply with Sec. 105-29(a)(4) Exterior of building needs to be cleaned as well as the sidewalk. May require permits.
Owner - CT Corporation System
RREEF America Reit II Corp. ZZZ
Code Enforcement Officer Quintana