Presentation of Information Technology Department recent recognition and awards from organizations such as ASQ, NIST, IEEE, CDG and IISE.
The City of Coral Gables is proud to recognize our Information Technology Department for leading the way across our organization to introduce innovative technology solutions and smart city initiatives to improve the life of our citizens.
Today more than ever, technology plays an important role in how our local government operates, in how we communicate internally or provide services to the public, transforming every aspect of productivity and efficiency. Thanks to the teamwork of the Information Technology staff with the city's leadership and all departments, Coral Gables is a high-tech, high-touch customer service city that is becoming more sustainable, resilient, livable and prosperous.
Coral Gables has been recognized as one of the leading Smart Cities in the United States with multiple accomplishments in areas of technology and best practices, on top of its numerous recognitions as a world-class city with exceptional services and quality of life.
In recent months, national and international professional organizations in government technology, industry and academia have taken notice of our technology innovations in Coral Gables. The following is a list of some of the technology awards and recognition received this fiscal year 2019 in chronological order:
The Center for Digital Government (CDG) in Silicon Valley awarded the City of Coral Gables first place nationally in the Digital Cities 2018 awards, in the category of Up to 75,000 population. The city’s exceptional performance and technology innovation in aligning processes to promote citizen inclusion and expectations as well as boost cybersecurity placed Coral Gables at the highest ranking at the National League of Cities annual conference, where I.T. Director Raimundo Rodulfo attended last November.
In March 2019, Global I.T. research and advisory firm Gartner Inc. featured a case study on “Smart City Funding Models: It’s Time to Be Creative,” highlighting Coral Gables “out-of-the-box” improvements in technology developed to improve effectiveness and optimize spending, resulting in greater customer satisfaction, improved services and low costs for operating I.T. functions.
In April 2019, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the world’s largest professional organization, highlighted Coral Gables’ smart city strategy in their Spectrum Magazine and The Institute newsletter. Last year, the IEEE selected our I.T. team as the winners of the World Standards smart city international award for the use of engineering standards in the design of a resilient network that survived Hurricane Irma.
In May 2019, the City of Coral Gables was presented as a smart city Geographic Information Systems (GIS) case study at the GIS Solutions Expo & Conference for our development of Spatial Data Platforms and Citizen Hubs to enhance our community initiatives with digital tools and communication.
Also, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), featured our technology in their list of “Amazing Smart City Projects” in the Global City Teams Challenge called “Smart and Secure Cities and Communities.” On July of this year, Coral Gables will participate at their smart technology expo to be held in Washington DC.
The American Society for Quality (ASQ), awarded Coral Gables third place at their 2019 International Team Excellence Award case study storyboard competition held in Fort Worth, Texas. Coral Gables was also invited to present how our “I.T. Department Productivity and Response Times” improves using Six-Sigma quality engineering.
Also, IT Director Raimundo Rodulfo shared a quality engineering paper with the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE) at their 2018 Annual Conference in Orlando, a paper collaboration between City of Coral Gables and Florida International University’s School of Engineering.
Most recently in June 2019, Quality Progress Magazine, the official publication of the American Society for Quality, included our City’s Information Technology Team as part of their “Feats of Strength” story in their latest issue as a group of ten top-performing teams from around the world.
More information at:
World Conference on Quality and Improvement 2019 Posters web page: https://www.eventscribe.com/2019/ASQ-World/PosterTitles.asp?pfp=Posters
World Conference on Quality and Improvement 2019 Coral Gables entry web page: https://www.eventscribe.com/2019/ASQ-World/fsPopup.asp?efp=VktJWFpFS1A3MjUz&PosterID=209149&rnd=2.247024E-02&mode=posterinfo
Quality Progress Magazine "Feats of Strength" story web page (virtual pages 14 - 20): http://www.nxtbook.com/naylor/ASQM/ASQM0619/index.php#/14
NIST GCTC post: “Amazing Smart City Projects <https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/amazing-smart-city-community-projects-part-2-sokwoo-rhee/>”
IEEE Coral Gables case study article: Article <https://spectrum.ieee.org/the-institute/ieee-member-news/coral-gables-smartcity-strategy>
GIS Paper: City of Coral Gables ArcNews Article <https://www.esri.com/about/newsroom/arcnews/smart-city-hub-meets-the-needs-of-modern-citizens/>
Gatner research paper abstract: https://www.gartner.com/en/documents/3905763-smart-city-funding-models-it-s-time-to-be-creative
Digital Cities Award page: Award Site <http://www.govtech.com/dc/Digital-Cities-2018.html?page=2>
I.T. Bulletin: https://www.coralgables.com/techstories