City of Coral Gables

File #: 19-9002    Version: 1 Name: CDB minutes 06.04.19
Type: Minutes Status: Noted and Filed
File created: 7/31/2019 In control: City Commission
On agenda: 8/27/2019 Final action: 8/27/2019
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Cultural Development Board Meeting of June 4, 2019.
Attachments: 1. 06.04.19 MinutesforCC08.27.19, 2. CDB Minutes June 04 2019 DRAFT


Cultural Development Board Meeting of June 4, 2019.



Dr. Roth suggested that new Board members meet with staff to review the Cultural Grant program, online review and scoring procedures. Board members agreed and collectively gave an overview of the annual process of reviewing the approximately forty grant applications. They discussed the annual mandatory grant workshop and meetings for final report and annual grant review and scoring.



The Board was provided with a request from Coral Gables Congregational Church, Community Arts Program (CAP) to accept the Summer Concert Series program update. Board members reviewed the series and commented on the quality of the program. With no further discussion, the following motion was made:


A motion was made by Dr. Alvarez-Perez to accept the program update request from the Coral Gables Congregational Church, Community Arts Program (CAP). Dr. Mayorga seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.




The Board was provided with an application requesting the temporary exhibition of a single sculpture by Carlos Albert on private property that is in a prominent, accessible, and frequently used plaza located at 2655 Le Jeune Road on the corner of Le Jeune Road and Valencia Avenue across from Publix supermarket.


A motion was made by Mr. Pantin to recommend the temporary exhibition of a sculpture by Carlos Albert at the corner plaza of 2655 Le Jeune Road for a period of up to thirteen months from November 2019 through December 2020.  Ms. Morris seconded the motion; which passed with a vote of five in favor and one opposed.


b.                     ART BASEL - RAFAEL BARRIOS

The Board was provided with information about the background and work of artist Rafael Barrios. Staff reported on visiting the artist’s studio and later conducting a site visit of the City with the artist, including meeting with the Mayor. Mr. Barrios was asked to present a proposal to the City for installation during Miami Art Week/Art Basel, which was submitted and reviewed by the Arts Advisory Panel on May 29th.


A motion was made by Mr. Pantin to recommend Rafael Barrios as the 2019 Miami Art Week artist and recommending his work for an official Art Basel event application. Ms. Horwitz seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.*


*This item was approved at the City Commission meeting of June 11, 2019.



The Board was advised that the Coral Gables High School, through the Coral Gables Community Foundation, approached the City asking for public art to be installed at the school as part of a current renovation project. Staff reported speaking to the Foundation and proposing the collection of recently restored Jean Ward sculptures.  The Board was provided with images of potential sites at the school with a recommendation to keep the sculptures together in a grouping. The Board was advised of the Arts Advisory Panel’s recommendation to install the sculptures at the High School, visible from Bird Road, and on the West side near Riviera Avenue.


A motion was made by Mr. Pantin to recommend installing the three recently restored Jean Ward sculptures at Coral Gables High School as presented. Ms. Morris seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


d.                     FIRE STATION 2 & TROLLEY BUILDING

Mr. Pantin expressed concern about public art being incorporated into the new Fire Station and Trolley Building project late into the construction phase. He went on to suggest that one of the buildings has the potential to incorporate a Carlos Cruz-Diez piece. Mr. Pantin referenced the building facade facing U.S.1 and presented this as an option to place art rather than maintaining the painted crosswalk. He stated that if it is done well, driving either direction would be a different experience and would yield greater exposure of artwork in the City’s collection and of the artist’s work.


A motion was made by Mr. Pantin recommending moving forward quickly with a proposal for public art at the Fire Station 2 and Trolley Building project. Ms. Horwitz seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


e.                     PASEO MURALS

Staff reported that the economic development department proposed mural projects in five of the Miracle Mile paseos as part of the City’s annual Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) plan for FY2019-2020. Staff described the paseos as mid-block connecting pass-throughs between major streets. Continuing, staff said the Assistant City Manager asked that Economic Development bring it to the Cultural Board and look at it as an art opportunity. Staff discussed recommending this idea years ago and expressed support for the idea.


A motion was made by Ms. Horwitz to recommend pursuing a paseo mural project using art acquisition funds for artist-designed murals; Dr. Mayorga seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.




Staff gave a brief overview of the Public Safety Building public art opportunity, reminding the Board that the intent of the artwork is to serve as a memorial to fallen officers and honor current public safety professionals. A PowerPoint was presented to review the four concept proposals submitted by artists Jose Bedia, Martin Dawe with Cherrylion Studios, Ivan Toth Depeña, and Robert Lazarrini. Staff reviewed the structure of the selection panel consisting of members of the Arts Advisory Panel, Police Chief Hudak, Fire Chief de la Rosa, Fire Division Chief Barger, and Cultural Development Board appointee Leslie Pantin.


Dr. Alvarez-Perez made a motion recommending artist Ivan Toth Depeña to design a public artwork memorial associated with the new Public Safety Building; conduct a workshop with Coral Gables’ public safety professionals; explore options for a figurative representation; and include an interpretive element that may be free-standing. Mr. Pantin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.*


*This item did not pass at the City Commission meeting of July 19, 2019.



The Board was updated on the status of public art projects including:

                     Sun Stories - Staff advised of a late June completion and that the Artist is planning special events each month (3x) through the run of the project.

                     City Hall temporary exhibition, Selected Works from the Public Art Collection - The Board was informed of the City Hall exhibition and was invited visit City Hall to view the photographs documenting selections from the City’s public art collection.



a.                     AIPP ORDINANCE UPDATE

Ms. Spain updated the Board on the resolution presented to the Commission regarding the Arts Advisory Panel. Ms. Spain reported that the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Cultural Development Board spoke at the Commission meeting in favor of following best practices in having a professional art panel and the value it adds to the process. She stated that a revision will be presented at the next Commission meeting of June 11th with a recommendation to add two members who have their residence in Coral Gables.


Dr. Mayorga made a motion approving Dr. Alvarez-Perez to speak at the City Commission meeting on behalf of the Cultural Development Board on the issue of the Arts Advisory Panel. Mr. Pantin seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.



Dr. Roth advised that she will be out of town until the September and that a new Vice-Chair needs to be appointed to replace Ms. Burgos. The Board discussed and as-a-whole agreed not to meet in July, except to call a special meeting regarding Art Basel (if necessary). Ms. Cathers asked for Board members to forward their out of town dates. Ms. Horwitz stated that she will be available for the August meeting, but was not sure about September. With no further discussion, the following motion was made:


Mr. Pantin made a motion to appoint Ms. Horwitz and Dr. Mayorga as the Co-Vice-Chairs. Dr. Alvarez-Perez seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.



The Board was provided with the Arts Advisory Panel meeting minutes of April 24, 2019.