A Resolution of the City of Coral Gables, Florida amending and ratifying projects in the Neighborhood Renaissance Program; providing certain other matters in connection therewith; authorizing other required actions and providing an effective date.
The City Commission of the City of Coral Gables, Florida authorized a loan from the Sunshine State Governmental Financing Commission (the “SSGFC”), evidenced by a loan agreement, for the purpose of financing the City’s capital improvements known as the “Neighborhood Renaissance Program”, as described in such loan agreement pursuant to Resolution No. 2011-139 adopted on June 7, 2011 and in Resolution No. 2011-70 adopted on April 26, 2011. On May 22, 2012 the City authorized a loan from the SSGFC, evidenced by a loan agreement, for the purpose of refinancing the City’s capital improvements known as the “Neighborhood Renaissance Program”, pursuant to Resolution No. 2012-101.
The City now wants to amend the existing Neighborhood Renaissance Program (NRP) to allow loan proceeds to be used for a broader spectrum of neighborhood enhancement projects, as well as to ratify revised project funding already included in the FY 2016 - 2020 Capital Improvement Plan.
It is recommended that the following projects be expanded to include various locations citywide instead of the current location specific scope:
• Development of Two Passive Parks
• Beautification of Street Intersections
• Entrance Way & Fountain Restoration
• Citywide Landscaping Improvements
• City-wide Street Resurfacing, Sidewalk Repair/Replacement and Traffic Calming
It is recommended that the scope and description of the following projects be expanded to allow additional neighborhood enhancements:
• Citywide Landscaping Improvements - to include all types of landscaping and irrigation systems; not just the replacement and planting of additional trees
• City-wide Street Resurfacing, Sidewalk Repair/Replacement and Traffic Calming - to include sidewalk repair/replacement and traffic calming; not just resurfacing of select streets
• Development of Passive Parks - to include development of active park space citywide; not just passive park space
• City-wide Installation of Decorative Historic Streetlights - to allow for LED conversion of existing historic lights as well as non-historic lights; not just the installation of new decorative historic streetlights
It recommended that the following new projects be added to the current NRP:
• Acquisition of Land for Park and public use
Sidewalks, Sidewalk Extensions and Crosswalks City-wide