Historic Preservation Board Meeting of February 18, 2016.
CASE FILE COA (SP) 2015-021: An application for the issuance of a Special Certificate of Appropriateness for the property at 611 North Greenway Drive, contributing resource within the “Country Club of Coral Gables Historic District,” legally described as Lot 18 Less ELY 57.78 FT and Lots 19 & 20, Block 22, Coral Gables Section “B,” according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 5, at Page 111, of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. The application requested design approval for additions and alterations to the residence and sitework.
A motion was made and seconded to defer approval of the design proposal for 611 North Greenway Drive until the applicant’s plans are ready for further review. (Ayes: 5, Nays: 1)
CASE FILE COA (SP) 2015-020 Continued: An application for the issuance of a Special Certificate of Appropriateness for the property at 8021 Old Cutler Road, a local historic landmark, a lengthy legal description is on file in the Historical Resources & Cultural Arts Department. The applicant returned to the Historic Preservation Board with landscape / hardscape plans as required at the January 21, 2016 meeting.
A motion was made and seconded to approve issuance of a Special Certificate of Appropriateness for the property at 8021 Old Cutler Road for landscape/hardscape plans with the following conditions: that any secondary walkways match the materials they are connecting to (such as the side door); and that the central interior space be real stone relating to the boulders; and that the area around the pool be a faux material that ties the feature to the space. (Ayes: 6, Nays: 0)
CASE FILE COA (SP) 2016-001: An application for the issuance of a Special Certificate of Appropriateness for the property at 1101 Alhambra Circle, a contributing resource within the “Alhambra Circle Historic District,” legally described as Lot 13,
Block 16, Coral Gables Section “C,” according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 8, at Page 26 of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. The application requests design approval for an addition and alterations to the residence
and sitework.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the design proposal for the addition, alterations, and sitework on the property at 1101 Alhambra Circle; and to approve issuance of a Special Certificate of Appropriateness, to include staff recommendations and the preparation and staff review of shop drawings as discussed. (Ayes: 6, Nays: 0)
CASE FILE COA (SP) 2016-004: An application for the issuance of a Special Certificate of Appropriateness for the property at 2203 Alhambra Circle, a contributing resource within the “Alhambra Circle Historic District,” legally described as Lots 9 and 10, Block 10, Coral Gables Section “E,” according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 8, at Page 13 of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. The application requests design approval for an addition to the residence and the installation of a pool and pool deck.
A motion was made and seconded to approve issuance of a Special Certificate of Appropriateness for the property at 2203 Alhambra Circle, recommending the use of corner beads on the smooth stucco to create a crisp finish. Mr. Silva amended his motion to include a not-so-perfect, hand-smooth stucco with corner beads, as agreed by Mr. Fullerton and Mr. Ruiz. (Ayes: 6, Nays: 0)
DISCUSSION ITEM: 1248 Coral Way: Ms. Spain reminded the Board that this house was auctioned off after the previous owner donated it to the federal government. After the current purchase, the owners completed an extensive property restoration. When staff visited the house to conduct a final inspection, there was a discrepancy between permit drawings (which included the term “existing” for the balcony columns and railing balusters) and the actual features, which had been replaced. During the description of these areas, Ms. Spain displayed before and after photographs. Under the circumstances, she said staff didn’t want to sign off on the final permit without Board review.
A motion was made and seconded to give approval authority for the described revisions to Historical Resources Department staff. (Unanimously approved)
CASE FILE AV 2011-01: An application requesting ad valorem tax relief for the property at 1254 Coral Way, a Local Historic Landmark, legally described as Lots 3 and 4, Block 1, Coral Gables Section “D,” according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 25 at Page 74 of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. The related Special Certificate of Appropriateness, COA (ST) 2007-012, was granted design approval by the Historic Preservation Board on July 19, 2007.
A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval of ad valorem tax relief for the property at 1254 Coral Way. (Ayes: 6, Nays: 0)
CASE FILE AV 2015-01:
An application requesting ad valorem tax relief for the property at 239 Sarto Avenue, a Local Historic Landmark, legally described as Lots 41 & 42 and West ½ of Lot 40, Block 7, Coral Gables Coconut Grove Section Part One, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 14 at Page 25 of the Public Records of Miami-Dade County, Florida. The related Special Certificate of Appropriateness, COA (ST) 2014-020, was granted design approval by the Historic Preservation Board on January 15, 2015.
A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval of ad valorem tax relief for the property at 239 Sarto Avenue. (Ayes: 6, Nays: 0)
Historic Preservation Workshop:
Ms. Spain announced that on Saturday, February 27, 2016, 9:30 a.m. to Noon, a workshop on the benefits of historic preservation to homeowners would be held at the Coral Gables Museum, featuring as speaker an attorney and former general counsel to the National Trust for Historic Preservation. Board members were invited to attend, and reservations will be accepted by Historical Resources Department staff.
MacFarlane Homestead Project:
Ms. Spain reported that the restoration project funded by the $600,000 County grant will begin with 129 Frow Avenue.
Ranch House Assessments:
Staff continues to work on the mid-century ranch house assessments. The team met with the University of Miami and is moving forward.
2506 Ponce de Leon Building:
The purchase of the building by the City has closed. The interiors will be protected as well as the exterior. Mr. Torre suggested that architecture in Coral Gables be celebrated in that building.
Mr. Adams asked if staff would review the minimum requirements for the sizes of drawings because it is difficult to read them when they are so small. Mr. Fullerton suggested changing the size of the typeface on the larger drawings so when they are reduced they are readable. Mr. Silva asked that applicants be reminded that the drawings must be legible for Board review.
Historical Markers Inquiry:
Mr. Adams suggested that staff review existing public historical resources to determine how many of them have historical markers. He suggested Board consideration of placing one historical marker annually. In response to Ms. Thomson’s observation that the markers were expensive, Ms. Spain mentioned the Board’s trust fund that could be used for this purpose.
City Fountains / Features:
Mr. Torre discussed City fountains and public features, many of which need repair, and suggested they be lighted at night, stating that the Art in Public Places program might be an appropriate source of funding. Ms. Spain agreed, was receptive to the idea, will determine the amount of program funds and begin the process of moving it forward.