Cultural Development Board Meeting of April 4, 2017.
Dr. Roth read aloud the False Claims Ordinance for the benefit of the guests in attendance.
Dave & Mary Alper JCC
Ms. Cathers stated that the Dave & Mary Alper JCC is a first time grant recipient, their funded program has occurred, and there was a question of whether the organization had credited the City’s support. Ms. Cathers introduced Suzy Breitner, representing the organization, who presented a brochure and poster with the appropriate City logo displayed. The Board and Ms. Cathers thanked Ms. Breitner for clearing up the misunderstanding and Ms. Breitner thanked the Board. She then left the meeting.
South Florida PBS
The Board received a letter from South Florida PBS requesting a change in date, location, and programming. Doris Bravo, Francis Hernandez, and Ingrid Stuart from South Florida PBS were introduced. Ms. Bravo stated that they were going to partner with the Coral Gables Art Cinema for their original project proposal to present films on Miracle Mile. The partnership was not realized and Ms. Bravo stated that the grant award was insufficient to produce the project. She went on to state that she did not realize that the project should not have been dependent on Coral Gables funding.
Ms. Burgos made a motion not to accept the change request from South Florida PBS. Mr. Pastor seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Coral Gables Congregational Church, Community Arts Program (CGCC, CAP)
Ms. Cathers notified the Board that the Community Arts Program is requesting approval of an amended artist list for their 2017 Summer Concert Series. She noted that no change in dates or location is being proposed and that historically the organization is unable to confirm all performers at the time of the application. Therefore, the organization sends the Board an amendment request after all performers are confirmed. Ms. Cathers received the letter the previous day, supplied copies of the letter to Board members and read the request aloud. The Board commented positively on the quality of the line-up.
Mr. Perez made a motion to approve Coral Gables Congregational Church, Community Arts Program artist list for their 2017 Summer Concert Series Dr. Alfonso-Perez seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.
Cultural Grantee Updates
Ms. Cathers read the following Grantee organization updates for programs that had tentative or proposed dates submitted as part of the organizations’ Cultural Grant Application:
Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education (CAJE) - Confirmed their additional films The Wedding Date on May 11th and In Between, pending an April date.
Florida Grand Opera - Confirmed dates that have occurred with one remaining performance on May 21st.
Opera Atelier - Confirmed September 5 for the lecture and September 17th for the performance. The organization followed the Board’s recommendation to keep the program dates close to each other and close to the end of the fiscal year.
Montgomery Botanical Center - Ms. Cathers read aloud a letter from Montgomery Botanical Center, thanking the Board for their support. She advised the Board of National Public Garden Day happening on Friday, May 12th and asked if the Board would like to schedule their site visit then, or continue to coordinate a different time when most Board members are available. The Board asked Ms. Cathers to see if Saturday, April 22nd at 9:00 a.m. is possible Ms. Cathers said she will check with Montgomery and email the Board.
Ms. Cathers reported that she received comments from some of the Board members and that this was an opportunity for the Board-as-a-Whole to discuss the on-line process, guidelines, application, and evaluation. Dr. Roth commented that important information provided at the grant workshop is not necessarily being grasped. She asked if the City can document the workshop and post materials on-line for follow-up questions. Staff will address this in their planning for the upcoming grant cycle.
Jean Ward
Ms. Cathers announced that a neighborhood meeting is planned for consideration of placing the three recently restored Jean Ward sculptures in the park located north of the Country Club on Granada Boulevard. A small playground and serpentine path are currently in the design with the sculptures placed along the path and within the landscaping.
Ms. Cathers mentioned that Florida Arts Advocacy and Miami-Dade Department of Cultural Affairs sends advocacy alerts and asked if Board members would like these forwarded to them. She noted that twenty-five of the City’s Cultural Grant recipients receive funding from the state and funding decisions at the state and regional level significantly impact the programs presented in Coral Gables. The Board unanimously agreed to have these alerts forwarded to them.
Dr. Roth spoke to the Board about how to further support organizations’ fundraising efforts, perhaps through a development workshop focused on cultivating donors or a related topic. Suggestions were given such as contracting the Arts & Business Council to hold a workshop or facilitating access to advisors of family foundations who support the arts in our community.
There were no additional items.