An Ordinance of the City Commission granting approval of a Site Plan Amendment pursuant to Zoning Code Article 14, “Process” Section 14-203, “Conditional Uses,” for a Country Club originally approved by Ordinance No. 2016-34, as amended by Ordinance 2022-10, located within a Special Use (S) District, for the property commonly referred to as the “Riviera Country Club” and legally described as portions of Tracts 1 and 5, Riviera Country Club, a portion of Miami-Biltmore Golf Course of Riviera Section Part 4 and Lots 10-14, Block 112, Country Club Section Part 5 (1155 Blue Road), Coral Gables, Florida; all other conditions of approval contained in Ordinance 2016-34 shall remain in effect; providing for an effective date. (Legal description on file at the City).
Lobbyist: Nelson de Leon
Lobbyist: David Schoop